Monday, November 17 2003
Omega Psi Phi
* “The Takeover” Quad Show
* 12 p.m. Quad
* Contact Steve Brockington, 766-7283
Catholic Center
* Bible Study
* 7 p.m. Borders Dining Room Highland @ Dalrymple
Baptist Collegiate Ministry
* Monday Lunch, free lunch followed by a speaker
* 11:40 – 12:20
Spectrum Alliance
* Meeting
* 6 p.m. Union Acadian Room
National Society of Collegiate Scholars
* General Chapter Meeting
* 4:45 p.m. Union Vieux Carre Room
Student Christian Medical Association
* General Chapter Meeting
* 7 p.m. 102 Williams
Black Consciousness Series
* 3rd Installment, open discussion on myths and history of life, labor and culture of women in slavery
Tuesday, November 18 2003
Music and Mayhem Committee
* Meeting
* 4:45 p.m. Union Red River Room
* Contact Landon Franklin, 4-6191
* Meeting
* 7 – 8:30 p.m. 3140 CEBA
* Contact
Powerlifting Team
* Practice
* 6:30 Rec Center
* Contact Kenneth Reynolds 763-6701
UPC Black Culture Committee
* Meeting
* 4 p.m. Union Council Room
* Contact Andrea Allen,
College of Education Council
* “Success Since LSU” forum for Education and Kinesiology majors
* Education 6 p.m. Kinesiology 7:30 p.m. 225 Peabody
Free Computer Training
* START Program offers free training to all students
* B-26 Coates Hall
* Visit calendar at
New and Gently Used Household Items Drive
* Benefitting the women of Myriam’s House
* 9 – 3 p.m. Free Speech Alley, November 19
Nominations Sought
* For George H. Deer Distinguished Teaching Award
* Aumni Association Teaching Assistant Award
* Advisor of the Year Award
* One original nomination and eight copies required, Due by Dec 5
* Submit c/o Debra Blacher, University College 150 Allen Hall
* Conact Debra Blacher, 578-5334
West Campus Apartments
* Food Drive Nov 6 – 21
* Dropoff points: WCA Activity Center and Delta Zeta House
* Contact Shiller, 334-2811
Can Castle Competition
* Build a castle of non-perishable food items
* Nov. 17th – 20th CEBA Courtyard
* Teams pick up forms in 3304 CEBA
Student Pottery Sale
* Nov. 17 – 20, 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Free Speech Alley
Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank
* Adopt “Thibodeaux Turkey”
* A $25 donation will help feed a family for Thanksgiving, and receive a free “Thibodeaux Turkey” Beanie for donating
* Contact 225-359-9940 Ext. 205 or to donate
* A play by John DiFusco
* Nov 15. 18-20; Dec 4-7, 9, 11, 13-14 Richoux’s, corner of Florida and 3rd St.
* 7:30 p.m. except 12/14, which begins 2:30 p.m
* $18 adults, $12 Students/Seniors
* Contact 757-8155
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
* A play by John Cameron Mitchell
* Every Thurs and Sat in Nov.
* 7:30 p.m. Spanish Moon, 1109 Highland
2004 Homecoming Committee
* Applications or 304 Union
* Applications due Nov. 17th by 4:30
Omega Psi Phi
* Achievement Week
* All week across campus
* Contact Steve Brockington, 766-7283
2005 Medical/Dental School Applicants
* Informational Meetings
* Nov 18 2:30 p.m. Nov. 19 5p.m., 101-A Life Sciences Annex
* Only need to attend one meeting
November 17, 2003