Gay community should be respectful
Marriage: the sacred bonding of man and woman as husband and wife.
I chose this definition of marriage to share with the LSU students because it is a generic one straight from a generic dictionary.
It is not from the Bible or another religious document, but a generic dictionary that holds the basis for the language of this country.
In this generic definition four words stand out! MAN, WOMAN, HUSBAND, WIFE.
The problem that many others, along with myself, are having with the idea of same sex UNIONS, is not the thought of these UNIONS, but their relationship to the religious world. Am I a saying that a gay person cannot be religious?
NO, gay people can and have the right to practice which ever religion they want!
What I am saying, is that as a Catholic male, raised in the Catholic church, and educated in Catholic schools, I continuously have a problem with the BEATINGS the Catholic church receives due to its relationship with the homosexual community.
Just as every other person is allowed to choose there religions, so are Catholics.
People choose to be Catholic because they believe in the beliefs and sacred traditions of this church just as Baptist people choose to be a part of the Baptist church because they believe in what it stands for.
You know, people bashed the Catholic church when the child molestations began to occur, and, ironically, people bash the Catholic church because its SACRED and ANCIENT traditions are not geared for the gay community.
As I said before, I chose to be a part of the Catholic Church because it stands for what I believe.
If gay people don’t agree with what the Catholic religion or any other religion teaches, then why must they continually choose to label themselves as Catholic or as another religious affiliation if the beliefs behind those religious affiliations are not what they believe in.
If a homosexual person wants to be Catholic by choice because they believe in the Catholic church, then I welcome them to our Church with open arms and an open mind.
I have no doubt that a homosexual person can’t be just as strong a Christian and moral person as any other soul on this earth, but that is not the issue here.
This same welcoming cannot be expected, though, if the sole reason for entering the Catholic church is to challenge and change its sacred traditions.
Strong Catholics stand behind the church’s view on marriage, if this view or any other view of the Catholic Church or any church in general upsets someone so greatly, then maybe that person should not affiliate themselves with that church.
On another note, it is Catholic belief that people are born gay or can become gay, but not because God made them that way.
Homosexuality, along with death, corrupt wills, and hate, are all effects of original sin.
God’s love is not bias.
He loves everyone equally, but remember, with the free wills God has granted us, we chose and choose who we are.
No one can take the right of loving another person away from someone. If same-sex couples want to form a LEGAL BOND between them outside of the Church, then LET THEM.
But, if homosexual persons are claiming that the world has the obligation to respect their decisions as individuals, then I claim, as a strong Catholic, homosexuals also have an obligation to show respect to the churches and the beliefs of others!
Randy Deville
mass communication
Way to go, Massachusetts!
In regards to same-sex marriages, I believe that everyone should follow Massachusetts’ example and allow these unions.
Whether you think homosexuality is a person’s nature or choice, what gives anyone the right to decide who can and cannot marry each other in a free country?
Some religious fanatics agree that marriage is a union consecrated by God between a man and a woman. Well, with the separation of church and state, the church does not possess power over the state to recognize same-sex marriages. Besides, it isn’t anyone’s business on who people decide to be with. Shouldn’t people have better ways to spend their time than to worry about a same-sex marriage?
Others may also argue that if homosexuals are recognized as married, that the discrimination against them will only worsen. Well this is a consequence that homosexuals must be willing to deal with if they marry.
We do not live in the stone age any more and I suspect that majority of the population has been exposed to homosexuality as some point in their lives. The problem may not lie in homosexuality, but in the non-homosexual people afraid to live among them.
Homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, intersexuals, heterosexuals, and whoever else should all have the freedom of marriage to the partner of their choice as citizens of this country. After all, you can’t help who you fall in love with.
Mistie Rice
mass communication
Gay marriage is an abomination to God
In response to the article written on same-sex unions printed on Nov. 25, I would like to say how appalled I am that the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ is being perverted in churches locally and worldwide. The truth is that homosexuality is an abomination to God, and all who practice that lifestyle are hell-bound. Of course, those bound to hell aren’t limited to homosexuals but that’s what I am addressing right now. I will not sit by and tolerate “so-called Christian” homosexuals who blaspheme my God by saying that it is fine with God to be gay (nor will I tolerate fornicators saying that premarital sex is OK).
And the only way to reconcile ourselves to him is to receive the sacrifice of his son’s death on the cross and commit our lives to his way- forsaking all of our past sins and striving with Christ’s help to not commit anymore.
I am not perfect and I still sin everyday. But each day there’s another sin that I don’t tolerate in my life- today it?s compromise- so no more
sitting back while unbelievers are speaking untruths about God for me.
My question to Scales is – when you asked God to take your homosexual urges away – did you meditate on his word (which, by the way, is his will) and read about what the Bible says about homosexuality? And did you not participate in those acts while you prayed for it to go away? Did you stay away from environments that foster that lifestyle? God answers prayer, but you have to wait on his answer and not run with what you want to hear. Ask Him again.
Kristi Butler
Letters to the Editor
November 26, 2003