TW’s Fashion Police gets outed
Every day I pick up a copy of the Reveille and once week a copy of “the other paper”. There is one section in “the other paper” that I find disturbing.
Each week they take pictures of people around campus and bash how they are dressed.
Granted, some people should be taken out back and smacked around for their choices of clothing or how they may look.
However, the irony of all this is that the person who writes these articles doesn’t like to come out and state who they are.
I recently found out who does this (lets call her “Ashley Yeldell”) and like Johnny Cochran, I was outraged.
For anyone who has ever seen “Ashley”, she has no right to EVER make fun of anyone based on how they look.
So the next time they want to show people what not to look like, look no further than the writer herself.
Brad Byrd
Construction Management
Fans address fellow studentsM
We don’t know about you, but we sure have been excited about this football season so far. Think about it. Tomorrow this entire campus will once again be “roaring” with Tiger fans hailing from Bourbon Street to Siegen Lane. And we’re just playing Western Illinois.
In just one week the real season begins when SEC play starts and Georgia comes to town. And it is our duty as students of this fine institution to become alive with the LSU spirit. You might ask, “Jay and Collin, what is this spirit?” Well that’s a good question…
The Spirit is getting up no later than 6 am to start tailgating on Game Day.
The Spirit is tailgating all day, despite the eleventy-one trillion-degree temperature, the 800-gazillion percent humidity, and the mosquitoes (Just like Ford Family Tailgating or the Third Row Tailgaters).
The Spirit is standing in line well before the gates open to ensure your seat close to the field.
The Spirit is the chill you get all over your body when you hear the first beat of Pregame.
The Spirit is claiming it never rains in Tiger Stadium, even when the humidity is so “thick” you can’t even see the field.
The Spirit is standing for the entire game (yes, until that last second ticks off) even if you have blisters the size of Uranus on the bottom of your feet.
The Spirit is not leaving Death Valley until you’ve sung YOUR Alma Mater with the Golden Band from Tigerland.
The Spirit is supporting the Tigers at every game- whether it’s Georgia or Western Illinois, whether they are 0-7 or 7-0.
That is what the LSU spirit is. So tomorrow, get out there at dawn and stay all day. Get to the gates early and go nuts during Pregame. Stand up for four quarters and hang around afterwards to sing with the band.
This is your last week to get ready for Georgia so go out there and be a real Tiger fan. We know we can count on you! See you tomorrow and GEAUX TIGERS!!!
Jay Ducote
Political Science / Economics
Collin Ford
Grad Student
Public Administration
Letters to the Editor
September 12, 2003