Despite a low voter turnout, Jennifer Grace won the Black Student Union’s presidential election Wednesday.
Elections for BSU officers took place yesterday from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. in front of the African American Cultural Center.
According to BSU Parliamentarian Ralph Johnson, less than 100 students voted.
The two presidential candidates were Charles Daniel and Jennifer Grace.
“It was an extremely close race between Charles and Jennifer,” Johnson said. “Jennifer Grace won the office of president by nine votes.”
The winners of the election were announced yesterday at 6 p.m. in front of the AACC.
Grace said when she heard her name announced as the new president she felt great because she faced many personal trials and tribulations that almost prevented her from running.
“I hope as the new president I can increase communication between the black student organizations and BSU exec staff,” she said.
Grace said she first became involved with BSU in spring 2002.
“I was a transfer student and looking to get involved; BSU’s role in the LSU community caught my attention, and I have been a member since then,” she said.
The candidates for each of the other offices ran unopposed.
Kristy Davis is the new vice president, Iris Davis is secretary and Madeira Hatcher is treasurer.
The BSU inaugural ceremony is set for mid-April.
BSU elects new officers; turnout low
March 18, 2004