If money was the only object, the Swine Palace would always have”Always. . . Patsy Cline.”
Swine Palace has extended the musical “Always. . . Patsy Cline”twice and the musical has broken sales records.
Adam Miller, director of marketing and public relations forSwine Palace, said he wishes the show could stay on for sometime.
“It’s our summer blockbuster,” Miller said. “It would be nice ifwe could run it all summer.”
Miller said the show has far outsold the usual $2,000 a dayticket sales with three days of selling $10,000 worth oftickets.
The show has also collectively made more money than any othershow in Swine Palace history, bringing in more than $100,000.
The show chronicles the friendship of Patsy Cline and a fan,Louise, who meets Patsy at a concert in Houston. The two exchangeletters until Cline’s tragic death in a plane crash in 1963.
The story is told through the memories of Louise, played byLeslie Maness.
Maness said she has heard of several theaters whose productionsof “Cline” were successful.
“[Theaters] call it ‘Patsy Cash Cow’ because people just keepcoming back,” Maness said. “It gets extended and sells out veryquickly.”
Miller said “Cline” is the first show to be extended in SwinePalace history.
Dominique Plaisant who plays Cline, said people’s love for Clineis what makes the show a success.
“I really think that Patsy Cline’s music is infectious. Itcatches like wildfire because of the energy of it,” Cline said.
Plaisants was in the original New York production and will soonreturn to New York for a role in Elton John’s new musical “TheVampire Lestat.”
Miller said the show will end July 11.
“Always … Patsy Cline” extended performances are at 7:30 p.m.July 6 through 10 and 2 p.m. on July 11. Tickets for “Always…Patsy Cline” are $12 for students and children, $19 for seniors 65and over, and $27 to $30 for adults.
Advance orders are now being accepted at the Reilly Theatre BoxOffice.
Patsy’s Popularity
June 30, 2004