Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5 and for many LSU students it will be the first time being able to vote in a presidential election. Deciding which candidates and issues to vote for can be confusing, but casting the ballot itself doesn’t have to be. Here’s how to vote in the 2024 election.
According to the Louisiana Secretary of State, residents must have registered to vote at least 20 days before the election, making the deadline to do so this year Oct. 15, which has passed. Louisiana residents that missed the deadline for the Nov. 5 election can still register to vote in the Dec. 7 election online via the GeauxVote Online Registration System, in person or by mail. The deadline to register for the December election is Nov. 16.
To vote, one must reside in the state and parish they have registered in, something critical for out-of-state students who may not have registered to vote in Louisiana. There is an exception for Louisiana college students, who can mail in an absentee ballot if they are currently residing outside of their home parish.
For those voting by mail, the Registrar of Voters must receive a completed ballot by 4:30 p.m. on Nov. 4, the day before the election. The status of these ballots can be tracked on the Secretary of State’s website.
For those voting in person, a voter information card will have been sent in the mail following registration detailing an assigned polling place. The vote must be cast at this location, which can also be found on the Secretary of State’s website after inputting identifying information. All locations will be open on election day from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Anyone in line at 8 p.m. will be able to vote.
Upon arriving at the polls, having a photo ID such as a driver’s license, military identification or an LA Wallet digital driver’s license is required. Those without an ID can obtain a Louisiana special identification card by presenting their voter registration information to the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles.
It is prohibited to wear, display or hand out anything that might advocate for or against candidates or issues. Campaigning within 600 feet of all polling locations is also prohibited.
The Secretary of State’s website also offers information on the candidates, polling locations and important election dates to keep up with the election. Voters can also use the GeauxVote Mobile App, which shows ballot locations, what is on the ballot and active updates on the election.