Get a bucket of popcorn and a gallon-sized bag of candy corn because there is no better way to get into the Halloween spirit than to binge-watch some spooky All Hallows Eve movies. And here’s the best part: I’m gonna build you a little list of some must-watch movies, ranging from horror to comedy to romance, from PG to R-rated. I’ve got something for everyone on this list.
Before I begin to list my recommendations, I will refresh you on why watching movies is such a perfect pre-game for the Halloween season. Walk with me. It’s dusk. There’s a nip in the air, and your couch is looking so cozy right now with its fuzzy blankets, and laying in front of you are buttery, savory and sweet snacks on your coffee table. It’s not fall enough for there to be any festivals and not summer enough to make venturing outside appealing. But… you hear your TV whispering, begging you to watch something, to gather your friends, roommates, lover(s), and kick off the scariest time of year with some spooky and silly movies.
Watching Halloween movies is a bonding activity supported by the epic highs and lows of movies from our childhood and true scares from our screens. Without further ado, let’s get to the listing.
Halloweentown Trilogy
These movies are fun for the whole family. They chronicle the journey of a family of witches who explore and later endeavor to save a parallel world to ours called “Halloweentown,” inhabited by witches, goblins, vampires, and all manner of things that go bump in the night. And fear not, because this is a kid’s movie, so you don’t have to be on the lookout for any scares.
Scream (Franchise)
In the mood for something a touch scarier? Look no further. The Scream movies may have it all: sexy cast members, sexy killers and countless movies to watch dating back to 1996. You can’t go wrong with starting at the original, or you can start with the modern-day revival of this franchise that is sure to have your crush gripping your hand.
Hocus Pocus
This movie is a cult classic. Need I say more? We group up on this movie and for good reason. There are phenomenal performances by everyone, a lovable cat main character with a tragic past, witchy antics and all the beauty that comes with a plot set in Salem, Massachusetts. Hocus Pocus is true cinema with so many genuine laugh-out-loud moments. It is my personal favorite of this list and an absolute must-watch every time fall rears its head.
Halloween (Franchise)
An iconic score and a recent reboot, what more could you want? Follow the story of Michael Myers and his murderous escapades with this franchise. Enjoy some kick-ass Jamie Lee Curtis acting and a slightly sexy, in a scary way, killer. Lots of good scares and laugh-out-loud moments from its more dated predecessors.
Watch Winona Ryder in this movie full of camp and creeps, as she portrays the most dramatic and emo teen. It is perfect. You’ll find yourself laughing at everything Beetlejuice does. His childish antics and his demonic soul make for such a fun villain. This movie is just great fun and deserves all the accolades it has.
Scary Movie
If you’re looking for laughs from a very dated and “not-woke” movie, this is the one. Absolute hilarity ensues in this movie about making fun of the most cliché moments in horror history. It is not appropriate or tasteful, but it’s a good time if you go into it with a determined giggle and laughing mindset.
Now that you’ve got some recommendations for some of the most fundamental Halloween-flavored movies, you can finally host that movie night at your place. Have fun — and try not to scream.
Garrett McEntee is a 19-year-old English sophomore from Benton.