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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Scum of the Girth: President Obama’s young migrant plan a step forward

By Parker Cramer
June 28, 2012

How many of you had any control over where you were born? If I could have picked the location of my birth, I'd pick a first world country. If I could choose the city I was raised in, it would be somewhere...

Manufacturing Discontent: NSA refuses to release surveillance info, cites privacy

By David Scheuermann
June 28, 2012

Good news, America. The National Security Agency has your privacy in mind. When Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Or., and Sen. Mark Udall, D-Co., asked the NSA to disclose how many Americans have had their communications...

Addiction problems should not be redefined as disease

By The Oracle, U. South Florida
June 26, 2012

The term "addiction" is not unfamiliar to most people. Most commonly, the first thing that springs to mind is drug addiction: an addiction to cocaine, heroin, or alcohol. What about the obsessive streak...

Egyptian military greatest threat to democratic transition

By David Scheuermann
June 26, 2012

It's a common occurrence after a revolution. A power vacuum exists once the former regime is toppled. The populace, hoping to achieve some sense of order, puts power in the hands of a chosen group of leaders....

Good Deeds: Student set to release mixtape Thursday

By Phil Sweeney
June 26, 2012

"So, why Cane's?" I inquire of the can-do kid before me at our table. He's as cool as a goddamned cucumber, this cat - slouched against the wall of Gretna's Raising Cane's with the sort of chill-pilled,...

Manufacturing Discontent: Domestic drones post threat to U.S. privacy rights

By David Scheuermann
June 21, 2012

Earlier this week, I wrote about the use of drones overseas. Today I want to talk about drones on the domestic front. In February, Congress ordered the Federal Aviation Administration to create guidelines...

Scum of the Girth: U.S. troop suicides once again exceed combat deaths

By Parker Cramer
June 21, 2012

Thus far in 2012, there have been more U.S. military deaths from suicide than from combat. U.S. troop suicides have outnumbered combat deaths during periods in 2008 and 2009 as well, according to the BBC. At...

Taylor Made: ‘Thrones’ fans overreact to presidential dismemberment

By Taylor Balkom
Staff Writer
June 21, 2012

Some things just shouldn't make heads roll. In the first season of HBO's uber-popular series, "Game of Thrones," one particular scene of one particular episode features several decapitated prop heads on...

Letter to the Editor: Dean clarifies June 13 Reveille article

To the Editor: The Reveille recently (June 13, 2012) ran an article on salary compression that quoted me to the effect that we are "firing" faculty. Please note that I said that salaries and wages are...

Blackwood imparted wisdom to loyal students

By Phil Sweeney
June 19, 2012

Editor's note: This column contains explicit language It's a rainy Tuesday in June, and I'm taking the twelfth step of drug rehabilitation, an interview with English professor and "Treme" writer Mari Kornhauser....

Religious leaders making bank, say faith creates wealth

By Nicholas Pierce
June 19, 2012

On June 9th, Reverend Creflo Dollar was released from a Fayatteville, Ga., jail on a $5,000 bond. This isn't the first time a prominent televangelist has gone to jail, and God willing it won't be the last. The...

The Philibuster: Kickstarter’s crowd-sourced funding is an arts crap shoot

By Phil Sweeney
June 14, 2012

Paying one's own way, as comedian Daniel Tosh's recent "Daniel's Kickstarter" routine reminds us, is a self-sabotaging Ponzi scheme. "Like a lot of you," he deadpans with Sarah McLachlan's signature gut-wrenching...