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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Manufactoring Discontent: Religious right are persecution hypocrites this election

By David Scheuermann
February 23, 2012

Don your armor, culture warriors. The War on Religion is beginning once again. When I first heard the cries against the War on Religion taking place in America, I was expecting to see waves of rainbow-clad...

Blue-Eyed Devil: Mormonism shouldn’t be placed on Romney’s shoulders

By Nicholas Pierce
February 23, 2012

The practice of baptism-in-absentia has been going on almost since the Mormon Church's inception. Essentially the idea is this: a devoted Mormon stands in for one of their ancestors and undergoes the baptism...

Press X to Not Die: Sony’s PS Vita has long way to go in journey to match Nintendo, Apple

By Adam Arinder
February 22, 2012

Nintendo used to own the on-the-go gaming scene with its Game Boy and DS. In 2005, Sony threw its hat into the portable gaming ring with its PlayStation Portable, or PSP. While the PSP was technologically...

Letter to the Editor: Sallie Mae helps customers in variety of ways

Your story "Graduate Takes on Debt Problem" (Feb. 7) omits important information about private education loans.  Sallie Mae advises families to use a "1-2-3 approach" to pay for college: first, use...

The New Frontiersman: ‘Anonymity Online’ opens door for both good and bad

By Clayton Crockett
Opinion Editor
February 17, 2012

As they say in Soviet Russia, the television watches you and the radio listens to you. And Waldo finds you. Although America has its own surveillance mechanisms in place, like the Patriot Act, other countries...


The Philibuster: American movies shouldn’t be politicized

By Phil Sweeney
February 17, 2012

These days, America is equally red and blue, Republican and Democratic, conservative and liberal. Not in the movies, though. Movieguide, an arm of the Christian Film & Television Commission ministry,...

Press X To Not Die: Verizon/Redbox partnership could topple Netflix

By Adam Arinder
February 17, 2012

Every time someone brings up Blockbuster in conversation, I always jokingly ask, "What's that?" The video rental chain has been closing its doors store by store over the past few years. Its demise shows...

Our View: Legacy mag’s printing woes infringe on free speech rights

By The Daily Reveille Editorial Board
February 17, 2012

Legacy magazine wants you to know about kinky sex. It also wants you to know about students with social disorders, presidential candidate Buddy Roemer and an organization obsessed with StarCraft, but a...


Mississippi should legalize home-grown marijuana

By Parker Cramer
February 16, 2012

Puff, puff, pass this bill. Mississippi is one of many states this year whose Legislature will vote on whether or not to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes. The bill is sponsored by Sen. Deborah...


Manufacturing Discontent: Bombs Away

By David Scheuermann
February 16, 2012

Let me first get this out of the way: Iran is not what one would call a friendly regime. The country censors its citizens' Internet access, suppresses political dissent and sponsors the use of terrorism...


Society dissociates celebrity violence, causes victims pain

By Kristi Carnahan
February 16, 2012

With our society's fast-paced information swap, the world is all a-Twitter. Most recently, the tweets have been about Chris Brown's Grammy appearance in light of his violent past. In case you lived under...

The C-Section:Tougher admissions standards a positive improvement

By Chris Grillot
February 15, 2012

If you thought getting into college was hard, think again — it's getting harder. Admission requirements in the state's public universities are getting tougher, according to Guadalupe Lamadrid, Associate...