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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Campus-Resident Alien: The wrong to bear arms – the right not to shoot back

By Marcelo Vieira
January 19, 2011

One more year begins. Both for those who are believers and for the average skeptic, the winds of hope that a new year will change lives for the better were blown away by a gun in the hands of a disturbed...

The Bottom Line: Laptop Orchestra of Louisiana is praiseworthy, innovative

By Devin Graham
Opinion Editor
January 19, 2011

The Laptop Orchestra of Louisiana, or the LOL, is an amazing example of the kind of innovation stirring the business world. Markets and economies tend to go through cycles. Large, multi-national companies...

Press X To Not Die: Online retailers offer better prices, convenience

By Adam Arinder
January 16, 2011

As students return this semester to the beautiful stately oaks and broad magnolias of the University, they also return to endless construction, inadequate parking and the doom and gloom of the infamous...

The Bottom Line: La. administration’s choice in spending misguided

By Devin Graham
Opinion Editor
January 16, 2011

Fellow students, we now stand on the threshold, the precipice, the steep edge overlooking Louisiana's abysmal future. Louisiana's administration has demonstrated time and time again that it has no idea...

The C-Section: Jindal’s bowl appearance a ploy, he doesn’t like LSU

By Chris Grillot
January 16, 2011

The University has seen much turmoil in the last few semesters. Budget cuts have threatened our colleges and have even led to the firing of some instructors and the elimination of many classes. Throughout...

Letter to the Editor: 1/18/11

January 16, 2011

Your front-page story and editorial opinion on p. 12 of The Daily Reveille, Friday, Dec. 3, 2010, exposed unconscionable behavior by our LSU administrators. Why should they, such as our recent provost,...

Students’ opinions do matter while managing huge endowment money

The University received its largest gift in history, $40 million from Lonnie and Carol Johnson Poole, in December. Most of this substantial contribution was donated to the College of Management, which...

Press X to Not Die: Oh, the 12 days of budget cuts: what LSU has given to me

By Adam Arinder
December 5, 2010

(Read to the tune of "The 12 Days of Christmas." Yes, you may have to stretch some of the lines to fit the tune.) On the first day of budget cuts, LSU gave to me: a worthless B.S. degree. On the second...

Failure of Diplomacy: Disagreement throughout semester constructive, necessary

By Zachary Davis
December 5, 2010

Readers, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I hope I've upset you this semester. Whether it's because of my views, or the reasoning behind my views, I hope I angered you in one way or another....

Sportsman’s Paradise: Budget cut apathy presented in poem

By Cody Worsham
December 5, 2010

Throughout the semester, I've provided more than my fair share of commentary on the University's budget cut situation. But it seems all my efforts to get through to the University community have failed. I've...

Campus Resident Alien: Creativity is the sister of resilience; take your daily dose

By Marcelo Vieira
December 5, 2010

It has been my goal here at The Daily Reveille to try to give a different perspective on the subjects afflicting our minds and our budgets in the daily fairy tale of academic life. I have mixed feelings...

Pop Goes the Culture: Always question entertainment

December 5, 2010

I feel like Cher this week. No, I don't want to randomly burst into song or dance — although my fantastic vocals and moves would've perfectly complemented the Opinion section's "Ops Trio" music videos...