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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Shockingly Simple: Report says the oil may be invisible, but it’s not gone

By Andrew Shockey
August 24, 2010

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released a four-page report Aug. 4, attempting to quantify the amount of oil remaining in the Gulf of Mexico after the spill and to explain what exactly...

Press X to not die: Study shows iphone users have more sex than others

By Adam Arinder
August 24, 2010

 Fall is in the air. The changing of the seasons brings fellowship, football season, the return to the stately oaks and broad magnolias, and cooler weather. Well, this is south Louisiana, so...


Failure of Diplomacy: Building Islamic center more American than not

By Zachary Davis
August 22, 2010

"I hate to break this to you, Gary, ... but some people out there want you dead."These words, spoken by Spotswood near the beginning of "Team America: World Police" held weight when it was released in...

The Bottom Line: Why we’re all screwed – by the way, welcome back

By Devin Graham
August 22, 2010

This is going to be tough. First of all, let me welcome you back to the new year. This summer was warm, bright and absolutely too hot.Nonetheless, I hope you had a chance to relax, catch up with friends...

The C-Section: Community colleges offer alternative to studying

By Chris Grillot
August 22, 2010

Ever think college is just too hard?Ever hear a little voice before an exam telling you, "Just make a cheat sheet?"Ever think there's no use, you can't pass your class?Think again.Forget taking your hard...

Fanning the Flames: Oil companies taking proactive environmental steps

By Trevor Fanning
July 28, 2010

Four oil firms operating in the Gulf of Mexico — Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell — have collaborated to create a rapid response network for oil spills. This brainchild...

Enjoy summer, but don’t ignore LSU’s looming problems

By Editorial Board
July 28, 2010

Another summer has come and gone — at least, for those of us at The Daily Reveille.Mercifully, the actual season of summer still has a few weeks left, and we who have been taking classes or working...

Cox Communications: College athletes should be paid by universities

By Cory Cox
July 28, 2010

College athletes have to balance the full-time job that is NCAA sports with academics and a social life.People slip up every now and then, and it always seems like one college or another is in trouble...

Press X to Not Die: Jailbreaking smartphones can come with a price

By Adam Arinder
July 28, 2010

Ahoy, matey.It's time to batten down the hatches, shiver me timbers, gather some wenches and wonder where all the rum has gone.Aside from the swash-buckling, high seas faring, Jack Sparrow look-a-like...

Cox Communications: Avoid traffic tickets by following a few easy rules

By Cory Cox
July 26, 2010

Traffic tickets are a very common and inconvenient pest for many people. You probably live on a tight budget already. School textbooks, $1 Spicy McChicken sandwiches and handles of Admiral Nelson rum,...

Press X to Not Die: Facebook still has merit despite privacy concerns

By Adam Arinder
July 26, 2010

Adam Arinder is off to work. Adam Arinder is hooked on Assassin's Creed 2. Adam Arinder is typing my column. (Insert your name here) is now reading Adam Arinder's column.Now just imagine a children's choir...

Fanning the Flames: The real tragedy of drunk driving is that it’s preventable

By Trevor Fanning
July 26, 2010

In 2000, drivers with blood alcohol contents of .10 and above were involved in approximately 2 million car accidents that killed more than 12,000 people and injured more than 400,000 others in the United...