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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Press X to Not Die: Hardcore gamers should embrace the casual crowd

By Adam Arinder
July 5, 2010

It's no secret the Nintendo Wii has been somewhat successful during its first four years on the market.OK, I can't even type that sarcasm and have it come off correctly — the Wii has been ridiculously...


L’il Bits: July Fourth is the latest holiday to lose its meaning

By Brittany Davis
July 5, 2010

We celebrated the 234th birthday of the United States of America on Sunday. Many Americans commemorated this event by eating hot dogs, swimming or enjoying cold alcoholic beverages while watching fireworks...

L’il Bits: Worship, transition, scam of Cosmopolitian magazine

By Brittany Davis
June 30, 2010

There are certain things every girl experiences as she grows up: awkward high school dances, bad first dates and first heartbreak, just to name a few. But along with those expected girl experiences, is...

Cox Communications: North Gate construction making the right moves

By Cory Cox
June 30, 2010

The new construction underway in LSU's North Gate area is a great step in the right direction for the burgeoning neighborhood.A CVS, PJ's Coffee, Menchie's Frozen Yogurt, Shanghai Tokyo and Pita Pit will...

Press X to Not Die: Promoted tweets could bring Twitter revenue

By Adam Arinder
June 30, 2010

You can tell we're in a new information generation when breaking news and major launch announcements are broadcasted in 140 characters or less.You can see what celebrities and "celebrities" are doing in...

Fanning the Flames: BP’s grant to University could be propaganda

By Trevor Fanning
June 30, 2010

The nut of today's lesson pertains to BP's generous grant to the LSU School of the Coast and Environment — a $500 million chunk to pay for studies on dispersant usage in the Gulf of Mexico and the...

Fanning the Flames: McChrystal’s only sin was speaking on the record

By Trevor Fanning
June 29, 2010

Well, there is no joy in Mudville these days — for reasons like a sluggish economy and man-made oil spill calamity, among others — but especially since the Afghan war general, Stan McChrystal,...

Cox Communications: Obama’s recent drop in approval ratings is unjustified

By Cory Cox
June 28, 2010

Once again southeastern Louisiana finds itself amongst national debate. The oil spill, now in its 71st day of destruction, has brought the Gulf Coast back into the nation's political limelight, just as...

L’il Bits: The oil spill is a lame excuse for bad cell phone service

By Brittany Davis
June 28, 2010

At one time or another, we have all had to deal with bad cell phone service. Whether you experienced dropped calls or text messages or had problems with bad customer service, it is now just another problem...

Press X to Not Die: Cali motorists may soon become mobile ad space

By Adam Arinder
June 28, 2010

Have you ever driven west down Interstate-12 at night?Since my parents live right off of Millerville Road, it's a usual drive for me heading back to campus after a visit at home.Driving home in the dark,...

‘The Game’ is annoying, addicting and never ends

June 23, 2010

I just lost the game.The game is a mental game that consists of a few simple rules:  1. If you know about the game, then you're playing the game. 2. If you think about the game, then you lose the...


‘Rebooting’ shows entertainment industry’s laziness

By Adam Arinder
June 23, 2010

Hey, you. Yeah, you.Would you like to make a quick buck? Of course you would.Well, here's my advice — take a long-time successful old movie or TV show, update the story to modern times, throw in...