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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Giving blood has purposive, material incentives

By Trevor Fanning
June 13, 2010

Well, it's Monday afternoon now, and I just received my official thank-you letter from the President of the United Blood Services organization for donating a pint of my own bodily fluid to the cause back...

L’il Bits: Sex cells – egg donation is not worth the hassle

By Brittany Davis
June 9, 2010

What would you do to pay for a trip to Las Vegas? Some people might get a job; others might empty their savings accounts. And then there are some people who would go to the extreme of selling their most...

Cox Communications: Online TV a better choice for the college budget

By Cory Cox
June 9, 2010

Many students will try to beat the torturing Louisiana heat by relaxing in front of the the old boob tube this summer. Several top cable channels will be unveiling their original programming during the...

Press X to Not Die: 3-D’s home invasion is expensive, unnecessary

By Adam Arinder
June 9, 2010

I'm starting to sound like a broken record. Technology is a funny thing. Sometimes it's revolutionary and changes the way people's lives operate. Sometimes it changes so much the average consumer can't...

Fanning the Flames: LSU’s leisure courses are a sound investment

By Trevor Fanning
June 9, 2010

A big wave of relief sweeps over the student body after finals week. I come to a standstill on my recreational abuse of speed, cease and desist reading about wave-particle duality for days on end and lapse...

Press X to Not Die: School’s decision to use iPads as textbooks is lunacy

By Adam Arinder
June 7, 2010

Oh, iPad – how silly and ridiculous you are. "A magical and revolutionary device at an unbelievable price." The only thing I find "revolutionary" about iPad is iCan put the iLetter "i" in front of...

Cox Communications: Bonnaroo: an evolution of the Woodstock vision

By Cory Cox
June 7, 2010

A manifestation of the radical thinking and free times of the late 1960s, the summer music festival has become a modern American pastime. Every summer thousands of music fans descend upon stadiums, cow...

Fanning the Flames: BP disaster’s comparisons to Katrina don’t quite fit

By Trevor Fanning
June 7, 2010

Even while you read this typeface, great plumes of crude oil are still spewing up from a broken riser pipe at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, at the site of a ruined rig 50 miles offshore. BP is the...

L’il Bits: Menchie’s froyo is the best despite poor location

By Brittany Davis
June 7, 2010

It's summer and the temperature in Baton Rouge has already peaked in the mid 90's. I can feel my hair frizzing and my skin getting sticky from the afternoon rain. What's the best cure for the summer heat?...

Murda, He Wrote: America’s funk attributable to apathy and animosity

By Mark Macmurdo
May 8, 2010

Looking back on the year — and looking forward into the future — it's hard not to have a pessimistic view of things. The job outlook is slim pickings, a toxic slime threatens our coast and...

The Devil’s Advocate: Economics’ lessons explain human interactions

By Daniel Morgan
May 8, 2010

The most important lesson of economics can be distilled into a single sentence:People do things because they're worth doing.It sounds simple, but most of my columns have been about the surprising implications.When...

Football, basketball attract strong classes for season

By Mark Clements
Sports Contributor
May 8, 2010

The Chinese calendar calls 2010 the "Year of the Tiger." In terms of recruiting, 2010 has certainly been a successful year for the Tigers.LSU reeled in 27 signees for the 2010 recruiting class, earning...