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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Show all comments: Should history classes include more perspectives?

By Columnists
March 24, 2010

Burns: On March 12, the Texas Board of Education controversially revised the social studies curriculum to include more "conservative" aspects of American history while excluding more "liberal" components."Since...

Nietzsche is dead: Health care reform passes – but at what cost?

By Matthew Albright
Opinion Editor
March 24, 2010

It's finally over.After close to a year of bickering and fighting, it's done. We've slogged through months and months of partisan gridlock and political grandstanding. We've trudged through a mountain...

Cancel the Apocalypse: Worship of soldiers: a fascinating phenomenon

By Andrew Robertson
March 22, 2010

Feb. 15 can mean different things for different people. Some find relief in the 364 remaining days until the next "Singles Awareness Day." Others suffer from the V-day hangover and realize their bank accounts...

President Barack Obama makes a statement to the nation Sunday night following the final vote in the House of Representatives for a comprehensive overhaul of the health care system, in the East Room of the White House in Washington, March 21, 2010.

Murda, He Wrote: Even if health care bill is flawed, ‘no’ not an option

By Mark Macmurdo
March 22, 2010

Republican congressmen made a variety of claims throughout the excruciating health care debate Sunday in Congress — one largely marred with political tricks to delay. From emotional appeals to the...

Our View: SG elections are today – get informed before voting

By The Editorial Board
March 22, 2010

Today is Election Day for LSU. Every student on campus has the chance to let his or her voice be heard on who will represent us, the student body, to the University administration and the state government....

Letter to the Editor: 3/22/10

March 21, 2010

Budget cuts need student attention, support The budget cuts that have been made to higher education are going to change LSU with unforeseeable force. The LSU administration is doing everything it can to...


Nietzsche is Dead: ‘God hates fags’ counterprotest encouraging

By Matthew Albright
Opinion Editor
March 21, 2010

I was finally going to see them.They were out in force outside Dutchtown High School, a few miles outside Baton Rouge. They, the face of intolerant Christianity and voice of senseless radicalism, were...

Campus Resident Alien: Education sometimes confused with instruction

By Marcelo Vieira
March 21, 2010

Have you ever considered — in your academic life, with so many different sources of knowledge — whether what you are getting from these years of study is a real education or merely instruction?...

Age of Delightenment: Unfriending people on Facebook can be positive

By Sara Boyd
March 18, 2010

I was desperate for Facebook friends when I first joined the site  in the spring of 2005. It was only open to college students at the time, and I was about to start college in a new state where I...

The Grumbling Hive: Guns and shells can’t kill spirit of democracy

By Nathan Shull
March 18, 2010

Iraqi citizens risked their lives to vote in the parliamentary elections held last week as violence erupted across the country. More than 62.5 percent of eligible voters cast their vote, according to Al...

Letter to the Editor 3/18/10

March 18, 2010

Public schools no worse than private schoolsScott Burn's article "Beltway blowhards are real American idiots," about the public school system indicates he was educated in a private institution. To start,...

Freke Friday: ‘Green Zone’ is political commentary posing as thriller

By Freke Ette
March 18, 2010

In "Green Zone," Matt Damon and director Paul Greengrass team up again following their pairing in "The Bourne Ultimatum." A war thriller set in conquered Iraq, "Green Zone" is chiefly centered on a soldier's...