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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



The Devil’s Advocate: Income inequality can be perfectly fair and just

By Daniel Morgan
March 3, 2010

My eighth grade religion teacher once made 10 kids pull 10 desks to the front of the class.Every student represented a tenth of the population, and each desk represented a tenth of the wealth."Everyone...

Burns After Reading: Americans should get on board with discrimination

By Scott Burns
March 3, 2010

Let's take a journey back in time.The date is April 10, 1912, and you and your family are preparing to board the Titanic.As your family boards, you notice something alarming: there aren't nearly enough...

Cancel the Apocalypse: Golden rule not outdated, just dusty from no use

By Andrew Robertson
March 1, 2010

Who or what dictates morality? This has been debated incessantly for ages by many greater than I.One side usually says religion. The other says it's innate in our human consciousness.The simplest answer:...

Damaged Goods: Tis the season to repent – or something like that

By Matthew Sigur
March 1, 2010

Most people will tell you the pinetree aroma of Christmas or the food coma following a Thanksgiving feast make these the best holidays.Actually, Lent is the best season.You would think only Catholics love...

Letter to the editor: ‘Green treadmill’ worst idea ever

February 28, 2010

If "New Coke" is remembered as one of the monumental failures of all time, perhaps LSU's version of "New Coke" is the "green treadmill."At the beginning of this semester, I noticed the UREC had a new machine....

Campus resident-alien: LSU Symphony a symbol of collaborative spirit

By Marcelo Vieira
February 28, 2010

If you have never been to a concert of LSU Symphony Orchestra, I advise you to give it a try this week — we are having a concert on Wednesday, March 3 at 8 p.m. at First Baptist Church in downtown...

Factoryhaus: Majesty the quality America most desperately needs

By Stephen Schmitz
February 28, 2010

Many — especially those in the military — presumed George Washington would become the next king at the conclusion of the American Revolution.Washington had no interest in political power, and...

In this publicity image released by Fox, the 12 female finalists for the ninth season of the reality singing competetion, "American Idol," seated from left, Katelyn Epperly, Lilly Scott, Ashley Rodriguez, Lacey Brown, Janell Wheeler, Haeley Vaughn and, standing from left, Didi Benami, Michelle Delamor, Katie Stevens, Crystal Bowersox, Paige Miles and Soibhan Magnus, are shown.

Nietzsche is dead: American idol an affront to music, American culture

By Matthew Albright
Opinion Editor
February 28, 2010

I generally try to stay out of pop culture topics. It's partially because it's boring, but it's mostly because I'm functionally pop-culture illiterate.But every once in a while I find a pop culture phenomenon...

Ask Avani | February 26, 2010

By Avani Patel, Staff Columnist
February 25, 2010

Dear Avani,I'm taking an online class that requires me to work in a group project. However, one of the three group members doesn't like to show up to our meetings or respond to e-mails. The project is...

The Grumbling Hive: Missionaries’ ends don’t justify reprehensible means

By Nathan Shull
February 25, 2010

Life is colored in shades of gray. Nothing is entirely right or wrong. And the ends often do seem to justify the means.Does the desire to help Haitian children in distress justify 10 Baptist missionaries'...

Age of Delightenment: Pageants, reality TV let us judge others guilt-free

By Sara Boyd
February 25, 2010

One of the few reality TV shows I watch is "Toddlers & Tiaras." There is something grotesquely fabulous about tiny children, usually girls, prancing around in tacky, thousand-dollar outfits, fake hair...

Press X to Not Die: 2K Sports pitches gamers million-dollar challenge

By Adam Arinder
February 25, 2010

I pose a simple question to you today: Do you want one million dollars?I know I sure do — who doesn't?There are various ways you could go about doing this. You could win the lottery, rob a bank,...