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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Our View: Cracks in campus buildings reveal neglect, lack of funds

February 21, 2010

Among other things, LSU's campus is known for its beauty — for stately oaks, proud magnolias and unique architecture.But as pretty as the University appears, it has countless cracks, fractures and...

Press X to Not Die: For a better online experience, don’t feed the ‘trolls’

By By Adam Arinder
February 18, 2010

There's nothing I like more after a stressful day at work or class than plopping down on my couch and picking up my Xbox 360 controller. For the past few months, the game of choice for myself and most...

The Grumbling Hive: Louisiana’s culture promotes drinking and driving

By By Nathan Shull
February 18, 2010

Amid the Mardi Gras music, horns, bands and drunken yells, the streets are flooded with people boozing their way from party to party. Shirts are lifted, beads thrown and mistakes are made. Floats pass...

Age of Delightenment: Twitter: irrelevant, useless, lazy man’s Facebook isn’t cool

By Sara Boyd
February 18, 2010

Twitter is a useless, big, fat waste of my time. I created a Twitter account after all the CNN anchors kept talking about how important it was. I figured I'd see what the fuss was about because I'd heard...

Letter to the Editor: 2/19/10

February 18, 2010

Twitter actually useful as a news medium I was rather skeptical about Twitter when I heard about it. I also thought that no one cared about a Facebook with nothing but status updates.  I was wrong....

Guest Column: Freshmen don’t have any idea what they’re in for

February 18, 2010

This May, I'm on my way out. No more studying. No more computerized tests about jazz artists, da Vinci paintings and snails' sperm counts.While I'm still here for these last months, it's easy to notice...

Eat Less Learn More: Business more intuitive than math-based majors

By Matt Lousteau
February 18, 2010

Declaring a "better" or "harder" major is silly, but business is "intuitive" and requires less thought than majors based in mathematics.Majoring in engineering, my scope is narrow, but I'll do my best...

Eat Less Learn More: Tucker Commission recommendation a good first step

February 12, 2010

Many people have heard the news of the Tucker (Postsecondary Education Review) Commission's recommendations to state legislature. The biggest and most notable is the suggestion to consolidate the five...

Letter to the Editor: 2/12/10

February 12, 2010

Vegetarian ideals laudable, but can be overstated In regards to Ms. Register's letter to the editor Wednesday about vegetarian options, I first would like to agree with her about the variety of vegetarian...

Our View: University’s silence on Van Heerden is unacceptable

February 12, 2010

Those students, faculty and staff who were personally affected by Hurricane Katrina remember the frustration of the years that followed. Countless people across the Gulf South struggled to rebuild their...

Press X to Not Die: Your classroom really wants you to be a Millionaire

By Adam Arinder
February 11, 2010

I want you to think of the first thing that comes to your mind when you imagine the following scenario: The mood is solemn, the lights dim and the question is displayed on the screen. The person at the...

The Devil’s Advocate: ESP, clairvoyance and miracles real, magic isn’t

By Daniel Morgan
February 10, 2010

I have a confession that might shatter my reputation as The Daily  Reveille's token Atheist:I believe in Extra-Sensory Perception.Under certain circumstances, humans can get information through means...