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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Cartoon | January 11, 2010

By Mack Garrison, Staff Cartoonist
January 9, 2010

The one downside of books: the cost.

The Devil’s Advocate: False virtue of sanctity allows much abuse to occur

By Daniel Morgan
December 7, 2009

Two months ago, the Archdiocese of New Orleans and Catholic Charities announced they would spend $5.182 million to help emotionally scarred individuals from the West Bank.This wasn't an act of charity.In...

Burns After Reading: Fall provided students with plenty of interesting news

By Scott Burns
December 7, 2009

'Twas the last days of finals, and all through the townNot a student was stirring — not even a sound.Winter break is fast approaching, so now is the timeTo review the major highlights from the fall...

Nietzsche is Dead: Are finals worth all the hard work, cramming?

By Matthew Albright
December 6, 2009

Finals suck.You would think somebody who gets paid to write would spend more effort trying to come up with some more fancy, less stark words to describe it. But there's no better way to encapsulate in...

Letter to the Editor: 12/3/09

December 3, 2009

School spirit is something that we Tigers take very seriously. Anyone will tell you that it's an LSU staple to wear the gameday T-shirt or the purple and gold sweatshirt. What you may not know is that...

Freke Friday: McTeigue’s films have praised visuals, inventiveness

By Freke Ette
December 3, 2009

A Japanese gangster is getting his skin pierced and dyed for a ritual tattoo. Around him are members of his gang flirting with several loose women, while he winces in pain as the needle pierces skin. He...

Eat Less Learn More: Cap-and-Trade legislation needs more thought

By Matthew Lousteau
December 3, 2009

If you've walked past Johnston Hall, you've seen steam rising and heard noise coming from the "Power House."I knew nothing more than its noise and presence until this semester. I took a tour of the facility ...

Hispanic enrollment increasing

By Sarah Lawson
Contributing Writer
December 3, 2009

The University has seen a 14 percent increase in Hispanic enrollment since its 2007 initiative to better recruit Hispanic students.There are 898 Hispanic students enrolled at the University and 785 Hispanic...

Press X Not to Die: Holiday shoppers have plenty of great gift options

By Adam Arinder
December 3, 2009

Those of you who were still on campus last week and read my column, your fears are put to rest — I did survive Black Friday. While I barely lived to tell the tale, I've seen some of the trends of...

Murda, He Wrote: StumbleUpon may save America from decline to illiteracy

By Mark Macmurdo
December 3, 2009

Earlier this month, the Nielsen Company released its quarterly statistics on television viewership in the U.S. The results? Americans are watching more TV than ever — more than four hours per day...

Teenage Twilight fan Chloe Bates,15, poses with a life-sized picture of Taylor Lautner in her room at her home in Los Angeles on Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2009. Chloe is in love with Lautner, one of the hunky stars of the "Twilight" films. And she's not alone.

Age of Delightenment: Twilight saga isn’t ‘good’ but provides needed escape

By Sara Boyd
December 3, 2009

I'm going to tell you some secrets.I flunked out of school, worked really hard at some crappy jobs for a year, then begged my way back into LSU. Then my dad lost his job, and subsequently my parents had...

Burns After Reading: Blagojevich scandal sheds light on white-collar crime

By Scott Burns
December 1, 2009

Remember the Blagojevich scandal?For those who don't, the story goes a little something like this:Rod Blagojevich was the notorious "prostitute" who unwillingly voted for a self-described "disastrous"...