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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University




Freaky Friday: Films tackle relationship between law and justice

By Freke Ette
October 23, 2009

Two films — one playing in cinemas and another recently released on DVD — tackle the relationship between law and justice, prison and freedom.The first one, "Law Abiding Citizen," now in theaters,...

Our View: Middleton library more than Playboy, ‘Glory Holes’

October 21, 2009

There is no more inspired hall around our stately oaks than the Middleton Library. Middleton has housed the most impressive compendium of academia on campus for five decades.  But it's been known...

Murda He Wrote: Let’s privatize America’s education system the right way

By Mark Macmurdo
October 21, 2009

Between attempting to rejuvenate the economy and to institute sweeping health care reform, education has taken a backseat in national reform discussions.The problems are clear. American fourth-graders...

Press X Not To Die: Movie-goers should expect more from third dimension

By Adam Arinder
October 21, 2009

What was the last movie you saw in theaters?It's OK. I'll give you time to think about it.For some people, that question may be an easy one to answer. For others, it may be a bit harder to remember.The...

Analog Avenger: Picking the wrong teacher has its advantages too

By Jack Johnson
October 21, 2009

It's not fair. Two instructors teach the same class, but one is markedly easier. I know because my friend told me so.  We have a 10-page essay due every week, in our version, and the professor takes...

Letter to the Editor: 10/22/09

October 21, 2009

Abortion protestors trying to get truth outWhile I know Sara Boyd detests listening to males discussing their pro-life views ("Graphic images, scare tactics won't end abortions"), hopefully she won't mind...

Burns After Reading: George Orwell’s ‘1984’ message still resonates today

By Scott Burns
October 20, 2009

It was a bright cold day in October, and the clocks were striking 13. Winston Smith woke up for the first time in 25 years. Once his eyes adjusted, the small, gray holding chamber around him came into...

The Devil’s Advocate: Selflessness is not a virtue; it’s hypocritical, bigoted

By Daniel Morgan
October 20, 2009

There might be drafted soldiers who really want to kill and die overseas, taxpayers who really believe bailouts and bombs are both just and necessary and children who really want to spend Thanksgiving...

Letters to the Editor: 10/21/09

October 20, 2009

Hatred for Obama not the same as hatred for BushIn response to Matthew Albright's column about a child asking President Obama why people hate him, Alex Lauve kept his response polite and rational, which...

Nietzsche is Dead: White House war on Fox News inappropriate, stupid

By Matthew Albright
Opinion Editor
October 20, 2009

For a Nobel Prize winner, President Obama sure is fighting a lot of battles.Most of them aren't his fault. Obama inherited the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and his domestic battles over health care and...

Age of Delightenment: Graphic images, scare tactics won’t end abortions

By Sara Boyd
October 19, 2009

Hey, everybody, I made cupcakes!  Whose birthday is it, you ask?  Why, it's in honor of the millions of aborted fetuses who never had real birthdays!  Hope that doesn't ruin the sweetness...

Letter to the Editor: 10/20/09

October 19, 2009

In response to Matthew Albright's column "Child's question to Obama highlights nation's hate," I have to say I'm amused at his seeming need to paint President Obama as a victim of some sort of hate crime....