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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Our View: Students should be aware of caffeine’s side effects

September 29, 2009

Coffee has long been a staple pick-me-up — energy in a drinkable form. But increasingly, companies have been marketing caffeine in high doses in a variety of forms.After the introduction of Red Bull...

View From Another School: Working out: an exercise in poor judgement

By Dan Cusak
Eastern Illinois University
September 28, 2009

Charleston, Ill. (UWIRE) — Believe it or not, I used to be in shape.I played sports my entire life. I played football since fifth grade, basketball most of my life and even dabbled with rugby my...


Freeman of Speech: Founders wanted Obama, me to be incomplete people

By Eric Freeman Jr.
September 28, 2009

Since when is talk of secession not considered treason?With the talk of secession ramping oddly up, the source of this dismay at the federal government must be put into the proper context.Governors Rick...

Juxtaposed Notions: La. oprys should take advantage of tax incentives

By Linnie Leavines
September 28, 2009

Educated young adults aren't the only ones leaving Baton Rouge in droves.Long before last year's census indicated the flight of more than 2,000 skilled workers from the Baton Rouge area, country singers...

Burns After Reading: Higher education is still stuck in the Stone Age

By Scott Burns
September 28, 2009

It's Wednesday, Sept. 29. Saul has three more classes to go before heading to Athens, Ga., for fall break. He'll be a free man by noon.His first class of the day is history. The class is mind-numbingly...

Letters to the Editor: 09/28/09

September 27, 2009

Health Center displays lack of common senseI am astounded at the behavior of the LSU Health Center. A brief story is all I need to make my point.I came in to the health center for a simple sprained limb....

Nietzsche is Dead: Obama must convince Russia, China to hold back Iran

By Matthew Albright
Opinion Editor
September 27, 2009

For those of us growing weary of the health care reform debate's absolute dominance of every news medium in existence, an old friend has done us all a favor.Unfortunately, that "old friend" is Iranian...

Factoryhaus: Damn Hugh and his bunnies: They made me gay

By Stephen Schmitz
September 27, 2009

BREAKING NEWS — After all these years, scientists have finally discovered the reason why some people are gay!Homosexuality is a direct result of, you guessed it, pornography, specifically Playboy,...

Matt Damon stars as Mark Whitacre in a scene from, "The Informant."

Freke Friday: Soderbergh’s ‘Informant!’ all technique, banality

By Freke Ette
September 24, 2009

Certain directors desire to be everything to everyone. To one crowd, they want to be seen as saviors of the independents, masters toiling in a job beneath them. Their films tend to be highbrow and technically...

Letter to the Editor: 9/25/09

September 24, 2009

To all of you who live near people and like to party: Please be considerate of your neighbors. Here are just a few things that would be considered rude: 1) Playing loud music after 11 p.m. on a weeknight...

Our View: University, students both responsible for healthy eating

September 24, 2009

It's time to face the facts — from elementary school up to college, young Louisianans are getting considerably less healthy. The American College Health Association recently released a report indicating...

Press X not to die: Apple is hit and miss with new iPod generation

By Adam Arinder
September 23, 2009

I wonder what Christmas is like for Steve Jobs.As chairman and CEO for the most haughty, yet trendy company in technology – I'd imagine it'd be a splendid, superb time of year. Well, Christmas came...