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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Press X Not to Die: Google and Microsoft are fighting for your love, e-mails

By Adam Arinder
September 2, 2009

Google and Microsoft are at it again. These two technological industry titans have been going back and forth with each other for years, with each company constantly trying to one-up the other. Whether...

Murda, He Wrote: Facebook farmers highlight worst of humanity

By Mark Macmurdo
September 2, 2009

If all the status updates, creepy photo browsing and unwanted friend requests from your mom's friends haven't gotten you off Facebook, new developments on the social networking site may be your ticket.Facebook...

Letter to the editor (9-3): C+ not good enough for environmental efforts

By Chris Theis
Architecture Professor
September 2, 2009

To all students at LSU, and especially the new students in the Honors College:Last Wednesday, Mike Tidwell (author of Bayou Farewell) spoke at the Convocation of the Honors College. He issued a challenge...

Age of Delightenment: Megan wanted a millionaire, she got a murderer

By Sara Boyd
September 2, 2009

I've got blood on my hands.I'm one of the people who ate up "Flavor of Love" in 2006, increasing VH1's audience by 14 percent. VH1 noticed I was watching and promptly added seasons and spin-offs. "Flavor...

Letter to the Editor: Late Sen. should get more respect

September 1, 2009

Dear Editor:I was shocked by the publication of a cartoon on page 13 of The Daily Reveille on Monday.  I thought it was in pitiful taste to bring up an episode concerning the late Sen. Kennedy. ...

In this image released by CNN, host Larry King, left, speaks with performer Chris Brown as his mother Joyce Hawkins, center, wipes her eye during an interview Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2009, on the "Larry King Live," show in Los Angeles. The interview is scheduled to air on Wednesday, Sept. 2.

Nietzsche is Dead: Biased, useless television news deserves boycott

By Matthew Albright
Opinion Editor
September 1, 2009

That's it. I'm done. I quit.As much as some readers — especially some of the commenters on the Reveille Web site — wish I were referring to my job as a columnist, that's not what I'm talking...

The Devil’s Advocate: Our grandparents hold blame for federal deficit

By Daniel Morgan
September 1, 2009

Facts and figures about the national government's deficit are often cited, but few understand the burden these outlays place on our generation.Whenever a government's expenses exceed revenue, it makes...

Burns After Reading: Pitt just as ‘qualified’ for office as past La. mayors

By Scott Burns
September 1, 2009

Some New Orleanians are looking to cast themselves a new leader.Their choice? Brad Pitt.The "Brad Pitt for Mayor" movement started earlier this year when Tulane art history professor Thomas Bayer listed...

Our View: SG makes right choice in Long Pool restoration effort

September 1, 2009

One of the University's greatest strengths is its physical campus.Students, staff and faculty go to work in the morning in a beautiful environment of live oaks and buildings with distinctive architecture.Sometimes...

Juxtaposed Notions: Vague wording makes grim chance of ‘death panel’

By Linnie Leavines
August 31, 2009

Sarah Palin is right. Well, sort of. Before I explain any further, bear in mind I've long borne witness to Palin's gaffes. And though she and I share nearly identical ideologies, her political missteps...

Letter to the Editor

August 31, 2009

Ted Kennedy not the leader Louisiana needsIn Stephen Schmitz's Aug. 31 article, "Louisiana needs leadership like Ted Kennedy," the columnist points out some of Ted Kennedy's positive accomplishments in...

Analog Avenger: ‘District 9’ reviews show inability to face foreign ideas

By Jack Johnson
August 31, 2009

If aliens came to your hometown, how would you handle your surprise? "District 9," the sci-fi action drama, asks that question – and the people have spoken.The public either loved or hated the movie,...