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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Burns After Reading: Increase in minimum wage hurts the little guy

By Scott Burns
July 30, 2009

It's common knowledge among students in today's dim job environment that perhaps graduation isn't exactly a light at the end of the tunnel. For this reason, many students have opted to stay in school and...

Snapshot: Spend the last part of your fading summer wisely

By Ellen Zielinski
Managing Editor
July 30, 2009

The end of summer is approaching, and many students may secretly be happy about school starting up again soon. Summer provides some students with a lot of free time, which can soon turn to monotony around...


Metairie’s Finest: News media’s recent coverage shows laziness, bias

By Travis Andrews
July 30, 2009

It's hypocritical, it seems, for members of the media to begin blaming the media for, well, anything.It's a "can't beat 'em, join 'em" sort of mentality, everyone in the media is blaming the media for...

Cartoon | July 30, 2009

By Conrad Plyler
Staff Cartoonist
July 28, 2009

Those hidden fees add up.

Support non-degree programs

   The Center for Excellence in Curricular Engagement was a place on campus where faculty and staff could go to gain support and guidance on service learning and ways to get more connectivity...

Travel: Europe faces same problems, issues as United States

By Mark Macmurdo
July 28, 2009

When I left for France in early January to begin a six-month study abroad stint, the country was at a crossroads. George W. Bush was handing over a nation that more than three quarters of its citizens...

Socially Significant: Line between Facebook, real world getting blurry

By Skylar Gremillion
July 28, 2009

For most people, Facebook is just a tool — an application they use to connect with old friends and dig up dirt on new ones.But Facebook is more than just an application — it's a social structure.Within...

Snapshot: University meets, exceeds students’ expectations

By Jerit Roser
July 28, 2009

Students undoubtedly enter the University with expectations. While plenty of these expectations are met, one of the best parts of college ends up being ... the unexpected. One thing students surely will...

Snapshot: Escape the hell of classes, go to the Student Union

By Zac Lemoine
Online Media Editor
July 22, 2009

School can really suck at times actually, most of the time. At these suckiest of times, I like to take a break and do something different, but I often find that these frequent desires for freedom fall...

Our View: Timely construction projects part of give, take system

By Editorial Board
July 22, 2009

The construction on the the West wing of the Student Union finally appears to be near completion.This means old favorites like McDonald's, as well as new businesses like Einstein Bros. Bagels will be open...

Burns After Reading: Rising DWI rates among students a cause for concern

By Scott Burns
July 22, 2009

On July 1, Gov. Bobby Jindal followed up on his word to implement stricter public safety regulations by signing three new laws that increase the punishments against anybody found guilty of driving while...

Travel: Feeling homesick because of worms in the Big Apple

By Leslie Presnall
July 21, 2009

When I landed an internship for a fashion magazine in New York City, I expected three things: fast walking, tall buildings and the devil wearing Prada.I imagined I would be just like Anne Hathaway wearing...