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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Juxtaposed Notions: Slavery reparation proposal not rooted in principle

By Linnie Leavines
April 21, 2009

House Resolution 40, a bill known as the Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act is the newest controversial brainchild of Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., who is presenting it for...

Perfect Dystopia: Society should question human genome issues

By Dini Parayitam
April 21, 2009

"Dear student,We regret to inform you that, because of the exceptionally competitive gene pool this year, the selection process has been unusually difficult, and the Committee has had to choose only a...

Our View: TOPS is the least of higher ed. problems facing state

April 21, 2009

Discourse on the proposed cuts to higher education in Louisiana picked up steam Tuesday as higher education officials, including LSU System President John Lombardi, addressed the House Appropriations Committee.At...

Our View: America’s drug policy needs to be reformed, repackaged

By Editorial Board
April 19, 2009

Many of the most credible media outlets — from CNN's Ted Turner to CBS's Walter Cronkite, from the conservative Wall Street Journal to the liberal New York Times — have labeled America's War...

Murda, He Wrote: Reporters, politicians distort marijuana discourse

By Mark Macmurdo
April 19, 2009

AIX-EN-PROVENCE, France — April 20th is a special day — a day when strangers will exchange a wink or a nod, casually addressing an issue that is taboo for the other 364 days of the year.But...

Freeman of Speech: Prohibition didn’t work once, isn’t working now

By Eric Freeman Jr.
April 19, 2009

Raise your hand if you remember Chicago in the early 1930s, at the height of alcohol Prohibition.The early ‘30s saw mafia warfare at its highest, featuring all-time highs in black market profiteering...

Nietzsche is Dead: Sorry, students, marijuana should still be illegal

By Matthew Albright
April 19, 2009

Marijuana is bad.On this most auspicious of days, the calls for legalizing marijuana reach their wheezing, coughing climax.And year after year, these calls go unanswered for good reason.As much as we want...

The Peanut Gallery: Should college-age couples wait to get married?

April 16, 2009

This week's question focuses more on personal advice.  Should college-age couples get married, or should they wait for graduation?  We asked Reveille opinion columnists what they thought.Matthew...

(Bi)Partisan View: The wait is over – thanks to new ‘potty parity’ laws

By Isabel Blum
April 16, 2009

Females experience discrimination on several fronts. They make an average of 75 cents for every dollar men make and are heavily underrepresented in government. But there is one kind of discrimination many...

Letters to the Editor

April 16, 2009

Reorganization plan unrightfully rushedI would like to thank Kyle Bove of The Daily Reveille for his coverage of the farcically titled "Vistas of Reorganization" meeting held April 14 to discuss proposed...

Freeman of Speech: Student fees should be increased, called ‘taxes’

By Eric Freeman Jr.
April 15, 2009

Oliver Wendell Holmes never needed to go to the University Student Recreation Complex.But the former Supreme Court justice did offer some enlightenment for the situation confronting University students."Taxes...

Louisianimal: Forced servitude contradicts, complicates purpose

By Daniel Lumetta
Opinion Editor
April 15, 2009

Since the Great Depression, several presidents have attempted to instill in Americans a greater sense of communal responsibility. In 1933, Franklin Roosevelt created the Civilian Conservation Corps. Nearly...