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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Walk Hard: Even with looming budget cuts, LSU is affordable

By Drew Walker
February 3, 2009

Louisiana is no exception to the budget shopping that accompanies the slowing economy.Retailers are offering discounts to keep their doors open.One Louisiana institution has consistently offered its products...

Louisianimal: Vitter faces hot seat, but won’t unseat, with newcomer

By Daniel Lumetta
Opinion Editor
February 3, 2009

Could the next junior senator from Louisiana be a former porn star?After a curious ad — seeking an energized adult entertainer to challenge Sen. David Vitter, R-La; in the 2010 Congressional elections...

Letters to the Editor

February 1, 2009

Story about former student cold, clinicalI have attended LSU for six years. In those six years I have read The Daily Reveille almost everyday, and it took today's edition for me to write a letter to the...

Our View: Student job cuts a cheap shot by University officials

By Editorial Board
February 1, 2009

"Although we are tightening the budget, we are working hard to ensure that budget cuts do not affect the quality of the university or its academic mission."Astrid Merget, University executive vice chancellor...

Burns After Reading: American government losing the ‘War on Drugs’

By Scott Burns
February 1, 2009

With two major wars taking place overseas, many Americans ignore the war taking place within our borders.The phrase ‘War on Drugs' was first coined by Richard Nixon in 1971. American's ongoing battle...

Common Cents: Cultural perceptions can make your penis disappear

By Daniel Morgan
February 1, 2009

Let's take a break from biting geopolitical observations and balanced economic ruminations for something simpler:Foreign cultures are weird. Or, more accurately, weird cultures are foreign.Consider "Koro,"...

From the Editor’s Desk: Printing drug overdose on page one the right call

By Kyle Whitfield
February 1, 2009

Being The Daily Reveille's editor is like sitting in a daily ethics class.Tough situtations pop up all the time, and the decisions made have real consequences.And one decision made in the last week of...

Perfect Dystopia: Judging art through religious eyes is blasphemy

By Dini Parayitam
January 29, 2009

Human reason began with the advent of clothes. Adam and Eve, made naked, abandoned their nudity when they took the bearings of the forbidden tree of knowledge. Generations later, the birth of Jesus Christ...

Burns after reading: Students push sex education to answer probing questions

By Scott Burns
January 29, 2009

Chuck Palahniuk probably said it best when, in the 1996 novel, Fight Club, he observed: "The condom is the glass slipper of our generation. You slip one on when you meet a stranger. You dance all night,...

Higher education should not bear burden of budget cut

By The Editorial Board
January 29, 2009

Just like so many things in Louisiana, it's distressing to see other states doing things the "right" way.This time, it involves budget cuts. Higher education in Missouri will receive the same amount of...

Letter to the Editor 01/29/09: Response: Rodin’s art questioned at museum exhibit

January 28, 2009

 The LSU Museum of Art was disappointed at the irresponsible nature of the January 28 article, "Rodin's art questioned at museum exhibit stop in BR". While Gary Arseneau is passionate about his cause,...

Metairie’s Finest: FEMA ignores responsibility, whines like children

By Travis Andrews
January 28, 2009

FEMA apparently doesn't feel it's been ridiculed enough for its disastrously pathetic performance following Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Gustav.FEMA recently claimed the reason Baton Rouge residents, some...