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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Letters to the Editor

January 25, 2009

Volunteer shares experience In response to the story focused on euthanasia, I've been with a humane society for a few years now and on its board of directors for a couple of them. This has allowed me to...

Common Cents: America’s military power doomed to weaken, fail

By Daniel Morgan
January 25, 2009

In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, public discourse was left with a new rhetorical flourish — "the terrorists have won."Used sometimes as a somber conclusion to a stirring plea and sometimes as a pretentious...

Our View: Students have option for STD testing – be responsible

January 25, 2009

In spring 2008, the University's Student Health Center distributed more than 2,000 STD testing results to students.  These results not only showed an increase in students getting tested but also an...

Our View: Students should be aware of simple dangers, hazards

By Editorial Board
January 22, 2009

It's been five days since University student Sterling Kyle Oser was found dead of carbon monoxide poisoning in an apartment. The accidental death was caused by a natural gas space heater left on in an...

Burns after reading: God bless shoe, Mr. Al-Zaidi – enjoy getting laid

By Scott Burns
January 22, 2009

Here's a riddle: What do you get when you publicly disgrace the most powerful man in the world by throwing your shoes at him?A noose necking? A sniper to the skull? Austin Powers' wrath?None of the above.According...

Saved by the Belle: Obscure bands go mainstream, leave true fans behind

By Drew Belle Zerby
January 22, 2009

Product placement isn't just about products anymore.Or is it?Gone are the days of television advertising Diet Coke and Crest Whitestrips because it has found a bigger and better product — bands.And...

Perfect Dystopias: S. Korea questions freedom of expression on Web

By Dini Parayitam
January 22, 2009

The blogs of today have replaced the journals and diaries of a bygone era. Google ‘Internet blogging sites,' and 20,200,000 different sites pop up. Internet blogging has become a substantially powerful...

Murda, He Wrote: America’s language gap is logical, unfortunate

By Mark Macmurdo
January 21, 2009

AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FRANCE — Language is far more than a means to communicate — it's inextricably tied to culture. It serves as the basis for human interaction as well as a repository for information....

Thin Pink Line: Preventive drugs no substitute for condom use

By Matthew Patterson
January 21, 2009

There's a new and incredibly dangerous fad in certain sectors of the gay community these days. Called "pre-exposure prophylaxis," or PrEP, it's the worst trend in sexual health since the Coca-Cola douche.Rather...

Our View: President Obama needs to remember Louisiana

January 21, 2009

For all the right reasons, millions of people around the word celebrated the inauguration of President Barack Obama on Tuesday.As the nation's first black president, Obama is a tangible figure of progress...

Walk Hard: Gates looks to remake ‘culture’ of the military

By Drew Walker
January 21, 2009

With the inauguration of President Barack Obama and the shuffling of advisers it brings, one office won't be receiving new leadership. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates will remain in that position under...

Common Cents: Terrifying disease turns women into sex kittens

By Daniel Morgan
January 21, 2009

Think of your biggest fear. What makes your skin crawl, your blood curdle and your eyes narrow in cautious appraisal?Whatever you fear the most — drowning, spiders, public speaking — it's safe...