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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Murda, He Wrote: Death at Wal-Mart puts the ‘black’ in ‘Black Friday’

By Mark Macmurdo
December 4, 2008

Every Friday after Thanksgiving, two things happen: The Tigers play Arkansas, and throngs of shoppers make the annual mad dash to the stores to swoop in on "Black Friday" deals. But this year the de facto...

Freke Friday: ‘E.T.’ is a family favorite drenched in sentimentality

By Freke Ette
December 4, 2008

After considering the responses I have had while watching several films this year, I have begun to wonder if the inner child is untethered from the grown man.Could someone who detested "Ferris Bueller's...

Sk8 or Die, Bro: Wisdom of 9 vodka- drenched semesters

By Daniel McBride
December 4, 2008

I was trying to figure out how to write my (presumably) last column without making it some lame swan song. So I decided to share a few things I've learned during my tenure at LSU. Take it or leave it....

Socially Significant: Unilateral identities erode unity, falsely define us

By Skylar Gremillion
December 4, 2008

People spend the majority of their young lives developing a complex personal identity.At a young age we are indoctrinated with concepts such as gender and family. Later, as teenagers and adolescents, we...

Letter to the Editor, 12/5

December 4, 2008

Professor says fall break not neededLast Tuesday, Nov. 25 I saw an article regarding the cancellation of fall break, and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  Why we even instituted such a custom...

Metairie’s Finest: ‘Fat’ belly creates fan rebellion against record label

By Travis Andrews
December 4, 2008

Some people are just stupid.Sometimes there are no other ways to put it. Some people lack foresight. Even me. For months I thought the words Ludacris was rapping on Fergie's "Glamorous," "Half a million...

Partisan Punchline: Affirmative action plea boosts unfounded bias

By Daniel Lumetta
December 2, 2008

The persistent myth that a liberal media bias exists is unfounded. This problem plagues The Daily Reveille's opinion pages, possibly dismaying its readership. But complications remain: The liberal media...

Nasty Nate: LBJ should be remembered in time of racial progress

By Nate Monroe
December 2, 2008

As President-elect Barack Obama named significant members of his future cabinet Monday, and as the U.S. Congress is preparing legislation for our future president, we stand on the cusp of witnessing unparalleled...

Nietzsche is Dead: Nevada religion should not receive special treatment

By Matthew Albright
December 2, 2008

In a small town in Utah, a proposed statue is causing a lot of controversy.The town of Pleasant Grove boasts a public park where various statues and monuments to its pioneer heritage are displayed. The...

Letter to the Editor, 12/2

December 1, 2008

Obama is not completely uniqueWho Am I?In the Democrat Primaries I was not well know at first. A very popular and powerful New England Senator whose family name is tied to a former President was expected...

Riding the Gravy Train: Red tape causes slow progress of UREC court repair

By Matthew Gravens
December 1, 2008

After another disheartening football loss Friday to Arkansas, many students are looking forward to SEC basketball and the intramural basketball season. Some students are asking why the University Student...

Dizzy Dini: United Nations should be the world’s ‘Proactiv’

By Dini Parayitam
December 1, 2008

For some years now, the word "terrorism" has been limited to the Middle East. Just as the blood spilled in these regions dries, new blood is spilled in a forgotten part of the world.The November Mumbai...