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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Black Friday result of tradition, not need

Editor's Note: Boyette is a current employee with Circuit City.Every year after Thanksgiving, families wake up from their tryptophan-induced comas at inhumane hours. At the same time, employees working...

Mattitude Adjustment: Proposition 8: Jim Crow for new generation

By Matt McEntire
November 23, 2008

The Nov. 4 elections were monumental for many reasons.A country that spent centuries denying basic rights and freedoms to blacks elected its first black president. Women, who once had to stand in front...

‘Quantum of Solace’ leaves viewers shaken, not stirred

By Freke Ette
November 20, 2008

Like a cheese double quarter pounder without buns, "Quantum of Solace" features an overabundance of meaty action scenes and special effects, sandwiched with an absence of plot material or any meaningful...

Letters to the Editor, 11/20

November 20, 2008

Obama's lack of expertise doesn't depend on BushIn response to Christopher Ray's letter: If only life worked like that. Yes, Bush has many failures, but failures of the past administration does not predict...

Sk8 or die, Bro: Local spots provide more than food

By Daniel McBride
November 20, 2008

The first memory I have of eating at a Baton Rouge restaurant occurred a scant four years ago and, like many awkward situations in my life, happened in the company of my father.We went to Louie's.My dad...

Socially Significant: Addict displays the social complexity of habits

By Skylar Gremillion
November 20, 2008

Most people would say that Naomi Alderman, contributor for the British newspaper The Guardian, had a serious problem — an addiction.For several months Naomi spent upwards of 30 hours per week behind...

Relax, Baton Rouge, Obama won’t take your guns away

By The Editorial Board
November 20, 2008

There is a puzzling phenomenon taking place in Baton Rouge. The Daily Reveille reported Thursday that gun sales have increased in the wake of President-elect Barack Obama's Nov. 4 victory. In fact, newspapers...

Partisan Punchline: Bobby, please don’t leave Louisiana until 2016

By Daniel Lumetta
November 18, 2008

Dearest Gov. Jindal, for the sakes of conservatism and Louisiana, please don't have a relationship with that woman, Mrs. Palin.Run in 2016. I'll support you — as long as your candidacy in no way...

Knock the Tar Heels down a peg

By Benton Sawrey
Senior Staff Columnist
November 18, 2008

If there's something I love more than beating UNC-Chapel Hill on a regular basis, it's beating them when they've got something going for them.Unfortunately, Maryland already stole the big thunder for us...

SG Senate should pass the Class Gift Campaign bill

By The Editorial Board
November 18, 2008

At 6:30 p.m. in the Atchafalaya Room tonight, the Student Government Senate will vote on SGB17. Authored by Business Sen. Tyler Martin and UCFY Sen. Chris Sellers, SGB17 allocates nearly $70,000 on the...

Nasty Nate: Exit polls highlight some of the challenges for GOP

By Nate Monroe
November 18, 2008

Why all this gloom-and-doom talk about the Republican Party?They only lost the presidency — and majorities in Congress. But so what: The Democrats came back from 2004, didn't they? This isn't the...

Letters to the Editor, 11/18

November 17, 2008

Validity of Daigle's argument, "zero"It is truly tiring to be a person that dreams of a day of difference.  I dream of a day when old ways of thinking, old stereotypes, old perceptions and old politics...