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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Metairie’s finest: Cheap and easy sexual sterilization!

By Travis Andrews
November 13, 2008

Editor's Note: This column contains language that some may find offensive. Eminem once said, "I got bitches on my jock up in East Detroit / Because they think I'm a motherfuckin' Beastie Boy."Lovely!But...

Socially Significant: Rebuilding exisiting technologies is efficient, smart

By Skylar Gremillion
November 13, 2008

Americans spend absolutely stupid amounts of money on gadgets.Just when we think we've got the coolest MP3 player or the fanciest DVD player, the gods of electronics put something else on the market. It's...

Letters to the editor, 11/13

November 13, 2008

Pastor questions Jesus Talk GuyIn regards to the "Jesus Talk Guy" article published Oct. 30: I find it strange that Mr. Imes suggests we should emulate Jesus while his own methods are something Jesus never...

Our View: Holden’s tax proposal had useful projects

By The Editorial Board
November 13, 2008

We've all been stuck in traffic before — it's no fun.  Nary a day passes without someone complaining about endless bumper-to-bumper waits and seemingly endless red lights.  We are disappointed...

Murda, he Wrote: Obama’s change should target cell phone carriers

By Mark Macmurdo
November 13, 2008

The idea of change has been tossed around a lot this past election. While the term may seem vague to many, Barack Obama's presidency in its most basic sense will be a departure from the current ideology...

Nasty Nate: Cazayoux and the Democrats learned a tough lesson

By Nate Monroe
November 11, 2008

Who wants to be a spoiler?Rep. Don Cazayoux's loss to Republican challenger Bill Cassidy in Louisiana's 6th congressional district race is already being blamed on the presence of independent, Democratic-leaning...

Rally ’round the flag

By Benton Sawrey
Senior Staff Columnist
November 11, 2008

So, my first choice for president didn't win last Tuesday and now, regardless of how inexperienced I felt he was during the general election, Sen. Barack Obama is president of the United States. He hasn't...

Alabama senior tight end Nick Walker bursts through two LSU defenders during the Crimson Tide's 27-21 overtime win Saturday in Tiger Stadium.

Our View: Tailgating as ‘Bama fans highlighted LSU’s belligerence

By The Editorial Board
November 11, 2008

Last weekend was one of the most surreal experiences of my life, and I'm not talking about the football team's heartbreaking loss to Alabama. I'm talking about the hours I spent around campus tailgating...

Nietzsche is Dead: GodTube is exactly like a YouTube for Christians

By Matthew Albright
November 11, 2008

Perhaps there is no more appropriate repository of our collective conscious than upon the success of its now-ubiquitous search engine, the Google Corporation has created a Web site...

Letter to the Editor, 11/12

November 11, 2008

Quote was taken out of contextWhen I was asked to give my opinion on what I thought about "LSU Salutes," I was more than happy to do it. I was asked what I thought about it, and I said that I was very...

Thank you, four stooges

By Jane Moon
Assistant Viewpoint Editor
November 10, 2008

Nov. 4 was a day of celebration, except there were four N.C. State students who decided to be party poopers and outright racists.So on behalf of the student body, I would like to express my gratitude to...

Dizzy Dini: ‘Resident Evil:’ Naturalization needs reform now

By Dini Parayitam
November 10, 2008

After 12 years of perfecting the American accent, paying taxes, and attending public school, after 12 years of being taught American principles and ideals, after 12 years of developing an American mentality,...