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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Partisan punchline: King of the carnival returns to Voodoo

By Daniel Lumetta
October 28, 2008

Whoclef? Whatclef? Whenclef? Whereclef? Howclef? Why…? Clef? Dear Jean, Well, hello, my friend. Where do I begin? For starters, your turntables put the city underwater and put you on the level of...

Partisan Punchline: Infanticide accusations are a bigger issue than abortion

By Daniel Lumetta
October 28, 2008

Is there a distinction between killing a baby and letting it die?Infanticide was an accepted part of life for cavemen. If incapable of providing for another mouth to feed, a parent would simply kill the...

Our View: Initiative will allow students to voice opinions to SG

By The Editorial Board
October 28, 2008

We began this semester by challenging Student Government to put its money where its mouth is. Each year, SG's newest president promises this will be the year student interests reign supreme. So we called...

Keep your private information off the Internet

By Jay Goel
Staff Columnist
October 28, 2008

There was a time when the Internet was hip and cool. Its users had reasonable privacy, and grownups weren't technologically savvy enough to read our blogs. Now, however, there are a huge number of tools...

Our view: Candidates need to stop nationalizing races

By The Editorial Board
October 26, 2008

Many of us will be making important decisions about the future of our country on Nov. 4.  Those who have taken advantage of early voting already have. But the 2008 presidential election isn't the...

The dark knight: Modern day slave trade – WTF?

By Tyler Batiste
October 26, 2008

Blackface has never been funny — unless you were a racist who enjoyed minstrel shows a century ago — and it never will be.But apparently that seemingly obvious fact still goes unnoticed in...

Mattitude adjustment: Louisiana’s history alive and well in old mansion

By Matt McEntire
October 26, 2008

As a historian, I am now something of an anomaly.Today, most people enjoy social history. They want to know what the average person was doing at any given point. What were their lives like? What were they...

The fishbowl: Students need to inform themselves, learn the issues

By Nikki Oden
October 26, 2008

Many students know all the words to Rihanna's latest hit single and can name the top 10 ranked SEC football teams.  But do they know all about John McCain's stand on the mortgage bailout? Many students...

Lawsuit seeks to block tough La. lawyer ad rules

By The Associated Press
October 26, 2008

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Personal injury attorney Morris Bart has spent millions of dollars to make "one call, that's all" his familiar refrain for television viewers, but new lawyer advertising rules...

Letters to the editor, 10/27

October 26, 2008

Nov. 4 is important dayThe day draws near when everything our nation was founded upon — God, morals, ethics, freedom, and independence — are at stake. On Nov. 4, 2008, history is going to be...

Letters to the editor, 10/24

October 24, 2008

Vet school traffic too great to see all animalsMatt McEntire's column suggested that the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM) failed in its role as a teaching hospital. First, we would like to applaud...

Freke Friday: ‘W.’ reinforces biases, doesn’t present any new views

By Freke Ette
October 24, 2008

To hear Freke discuss "W" in a podcast, click here.Critical appreciation of popular individuals is a historical process — only with the necessary hindsight can we hope to understand their impact....