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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Our View: Pedestrians, drivers need to be aware of surroundings

By The Editorial Board
October 16, 2008

This campus isn't exactly the safest place for pedestrians. We all know that.Motorcycles whiz through Easy Street gates, cars constantly disobey the on-campus speed limit  — walking is rarely...

‘Religulous’ funny but not thorough

By Matthew Albright
October 15, 2008

"I believe religion is detrimental to society as a whole."With those daring words, Bill Maher, stand-up comedian and talk-show host, opens his documentary "Religulous," and sets out on a globe-trotting...

Was Gov. Jindal at the top of McCain’s VP list?

By Nate Monroe
October 15, 2008

Presidential contender Sen. John McCain's selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin created a firestorm of responses.Detractors say McCain's selection is evidence of his "shoot-from-the-hip" mentality and an...

Drink all your booze before heading into the stadium

By The Editorial Board
October 15, 2008

There's no questioning students' creativity these days.From class projects to cheating methods, students are always showcasing non-conventional ways of accomplishing their goals, and sneaking alcohol in...

Letters to the editor, 10/15

October 15, 2008

Brake tag column not good contentI consider myself to be a man of routine. When I wake up there is nothing more refreshing than a good old SSS cycle. However, today was different. Yes, I initiated the...

Abortion debate reshaped by candidates’ comments

By Daniel Lumetta
October 15, 2008

Ask any student on campus, and you'll find no shortage of opinions on the never-ending, nonissue that is abortion.  Sarah Palin's family was recently targeted because of her daughter's unplanned pregnancy....

Jindal’s search-and-rescue plan vital to the state

By Matthew Gravens
October 13, 2008

Gov. Bobby Jindal petitioned the federal government last week for $3 million to help revamp the state's urban search and rescue teams. Urban search and rescue teams are deployed to help find lost people...

Fight financial pyramid schemes

By Andrew Payne
Senior Staff Columnist
October 13, 2008

Ever heard of a pyramid scheme? A pyramid scheme is an illegal scam in which large numbers of people at the bottom of the pyramid pay money to benefit a few people at the top. Pyramid schemes are unsustainable...

Letter to the editor, 10/14

October 13, 2008

Profanity in banned songs is insulting Every time someone complains about the band, I get this image of a kid that gets a toy taken away, because when he gets it, he starts breaking things. Does the student...

Rethink credit crisis

By Benton Sawrey
Senior Staff Columnist
October 13, 2008

As I said in a previous column, the financial sector's crisis right now is a result of a glut of housing and a government regulation that encouraged lending to people that normally wouldn't have qualified...

Our View: ‘Big government’ move is what what SG needs

By The Editorial Board
October 12, 2008

When Thomas Paine said "That government is best which governs least," he obviously wasn't talking about Student Government. But sometimes a little big government is just what the doctor ordered —...

Is Baton Rouge the place where Civil Rights began?

By Matt McEntire
October 12, 2008

When Kip Holden was inaugurated mayor-president on Jan. 5, 2005, it was an important date in Baton Rouge's history.It was monumental because the Democratic Holden replaced a Republican incumbent when both...