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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Caitlyn Scott’s column a hot mess

August 29, 2008

I should have known better than to try to read a column with the phrase "hot tranny mess" in the headline, but there it was -- right across from the article about GBLSU working to become more active...

Targeted advertising poses threat privacy

By Mark Macmurdo
August 28, 2008

Facebook came under fire in November 2007 when it rolled out Beacon, an advertising program that was sharing users' buying behavior as they traveled to third party Web sites.After wide public outcry led...

Personality tests may enhance study success

By Skylar Gremillion
August 28, 2008

These days, it's nearly impossible to visit a Web site without being bombarded with offers to take some sort of personality exam.    They're all over the place, and to be honest, most of...

Social Security column misses mark

August 28, 2008

While the author may be correct in stating that the senate race between Sen. Landrieu and State Tres. Kennedy includes a debate on how to fix Social Security, unfortunately, the author does little to enlighten...

Republicans find new hero in ‘The Dark Knight’

By Daniel Lumetta
August 27, 2008

Barack Obama and John McCain finally agree on something.Entertainment Weekly recently reported both presidential candidates' favorite superhero. Both picked Batman — which is odd because the new...

In seeking majority, Democratic Party sells its soul

By Nate Monroe
August 27, 2008

Even casual observers of the political arena know the Democratic Party is poised to increase its majorities in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate this November.Republicans, for...

Stealing a piece of Jesus

By Matthew Albright
August 27, 2008

A member of the University of Central Florida Student Government is fighting for his student government political life — for stealing a piece of Jesus.The Orlando Sentinel reported in June that Senator...

Letters to the editor

August 26, 2008

Matt McEntire misunderstands and misrepresents the Social Security issue in his column of 8/25/08. Social Security is not going bankrupt. The annual report by the Social Security Trustees for 2008 reaffirmed...

La. corruption “business as usual”

By Matthew Gravens
August 26, 2008

Citizen investigation and some fine journalism exposed corruption surrounding the New Orleans Affordable Housing Corporation (NOAH). Karen Gadbois and Sarah Lewis — along with media outlets WWL-TV...

America’s Next Top Model features hot tranny mess

By Caitlyn Scott
August 26, 2008

Ladies and gentleman, the inevitable has happened — Tyra Banks has lost her freaking mind. No, I'm not talking about the horrendous crimped hairstyle she recently wore to celebrate Vogue Italia's...

The Daily Reveille sets the pace in digital age

By Kyle Whitfield
August 25, 2008

LSU's football team and women's outdoor track and field teams aren't the only groups on campus that captured national championships this past year.The Daily Reveille's Web site finished No. 1, too.Editor...

La. Senate race highlights Social Security crisis

By Matt McEntire
August 25, 2008

In 1965 Ronald Reagan said "Government is like a big baby - an alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other," and it's a safe bet he wasn't talking about...