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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Marketing freshman Christopher Torian, SLCC student Lynden Segura and UL student Michael Aucoin, members of the band Sugar Bear and the Monkey Tangs, talk about their new EP that comes out in February.

Louisiana band ‘Sugar Bear and the Monkey Tangs’ brings new sound

By Rebecca Docter January 21, 2013

With a growl that sounds like deep southern blues, Sugar Bear and the Monkey Tangs deliver a heavy dose of soul to Louisiana. Christopher Torian, University business freshman, and non-LSU students Lynden...

Nicki Minaj attends the "American Idol" premiere event at Royce Hall on the campus of UCLA, Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

Culture Club: Rapper beef kept low-cal for ladies

By Samantha Bares January 21, 2013

Beef is the meat and potatoes of the rap game, and it seems every major rapper has gotten involved in at least one notable conflict with another. These petty contests of reputation and skill can result...

That Comic Book Guy – Origins

By Rob Kitchen January 17, 2013

I only really started reading comics in the last year or so. As a freshman in high school, I picked up a copy of “Watchmen” and absolutely fell in love with it, but nothing really changed in...

Frugal Fashionista: Connecting you to high fashion that you can afford!

Frugal Fashionista: Connecting you to high fashion that you can afford!

By Aggi Ashagre January 17, 2013

This week's fashion trend comes straight from the Golden Globes red carpet this past Sunday. Stars like Halle Berry and Eva Longoria rocked gowns with a high slit up the thigh. This look is great for anyone...

The Fitting Room: Revamp your style for the new year

By Shamiyah Kelley January 17, 2013

With a new year upon us, many people make resolutions to better themselves. While most resolutions are related to health and wellness, I created a few style resolutions for the new year in hopes to make...

Cosplayers Jenny (left), a sophomore mass communication major, and Rebecca (right), a freshman geology major, are dressed as anime characters in the Student Union on Jan. 13, 2013. Jenny is in costume as Juliet Starling, a character from "Lollipop Chainsaw." Rebecca is dressed up as a nurse as a part of her Luka Megurine costume.

Students dress in costumes to transform to Cosplay characters

By Rebecca Docter January 16, 2013

To the untrained eye, there is nothing startling about Jenny — she is the typical LSU student, clad in purple and gold, scurrying off toward her next class. Once it’s finished, she’s...

Clothes-Minded: Tips on Developing Personal Fashion

By Marie Chaney January 15, 2013

My passionate affair with fashion didn’t truly begin until eighth grade. I had read through countless fashion magazines before, but I had never considered fashion as a career until an issue of Lucky...

FILE - This May 7, 2012 file photo shows singer-actor Justin Timberlake at the Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute gala benefit in New York. Timberlake has concentrated almost exclusively on his acting career over the last few years. But on Thursday, Jan. 10, 2013, he posted a video on his that showed him walking into a studio, putting on headphones and saying: “I'm ready.” He hasn't made an album since 2006's Grammy-winning “FutureSex/LoveSounds.” (AP Photo/Charles Sykes, file)

Culture Club: How we got stuck in the ‘90s

By Taylor Schoen January 14, 2013

From hipsters sporting flannel, devil-spawn Furbies making a comeback and Tupac rising from the dead in hologram form, I dare say we’ve time traveled back into the ’90s. Actually, it might...

LSU Libraries Begins Inaugural Film Series

By Marie Chaney January 14, 2013

LSU Libraries hopes to broaden the public’s horizons with its first-ever film series. Each of the four films showcased during the spring semester will be shown in the Hill Memorial Library lecture...

Graduate student Lance Bordelon (center) practices Jan. 13, 2013, with other cast members of "The Seven," a musical written by pre-pharmacy senior Michael Braud (not pictured).

University students, alumni, prepare original musical

By Samantha Bares January 14, 2013

An unlikely configuration of University students and alumni will bring the New York subway system to life in the musical “The Seven,” running Jan. 24 to 26 at Baton Rouge Little Theater’s...

LSU art galleries prepare for collaborative exhibit

By Stormy Good January 14, 2013

Three LSU art galleries are collaborating to hold exhibits showcasing the retrospective works of nationally renowned artist Peter Shire from Jan. 31 to April 14. The LSU Museum of Art, the LSU School...