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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Bound for Books: Age of Innocence

By Shelby Holloway October 26, 2012

“Age of Innocence” by Edith Wharton sort of makes me feel bad for rich people back in the day. Wharton tears the old New York elite up one side and down the other without actually criticizing...

Conquering the Kitchen – Halloween Snack Attack

By Rachel Warren October 25, 2012

I was working in the lab late one night...just kidding, it was the kitchen. Ok guys, it's that time we all knew was coming. Time for THEME SNACKS! I'm a fan of themed everything — parties, newspaper...

A new trend in shopping: thrifting

By Shamiyah Kelley October 24, 2012

I remember a time when visiting a thrift store was taboo. Now, people are much more accepting of the idea. One might even venture to say thriftiness is an art. People do not simply thrift. A whole thought...

Voodoo Music Experience to host local, national acts

Voodoo Music Experience to host local, national acts

By Austen Krantz October 24, 2012

Voodoo Music Experience 2012 in New Orleans this weekend will draw in thousands of music lovers, regardless of their weekend class schedules.    Unexpected obstacles and organizational decisions...

10/31 Consortium member Jacob Newsom hammers on Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2012 a bloody arm to the side of the 10/31 Consortium float that will roll in the Baton Rouge Halloween Parade on Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012.

Second annual Halloween parade to roll Saturday, benefit food bank

By Taylor Schoen October 24, 2012

Most Louisiana natives don’t expect to hear “throw me something, mister” uttered in October. Baton Rouge’s 10/31 Consortium, a group of Halloween enthusiasts, is here to challenge...

Astronomical society takes stargazing to sidewalks

By Taylor Schoen October 24, 2012

Through the millennia mankind has been on earth, humans have looked up to the sky for answers, explanations and understanding. The Baton Rouge Astronomical Society continues this tradition with its sidewalk...

LSU Alumna Holly Streekstra's "View of Lakeshore Drive" adorns the walls of the "Once Upon a Time" exhibit at the LSU Museum of Art downtown Wednesday Oct. 24, 2012.

LSU Museum of Art hosts Once Upon a Night exhibition

By Kaci Yoder October 24, 2012

For one night only, the LSU Museum of Art will put a twist on its Once Upon a Time exhibition with a Night on the Town. The Once Upon a Time exhibition opened in March with a wide-ranging collection...

From Mario and Luigi to Avatars, the Carlotta Street block party displayed all sorts of costumes on Friday.

Anti-Carlotta parties rage this Halloween season

By Kaci Yoder October 24, 2012

There’s only one place in Baton Rouge where a person could find the cast of “Jersey Shore,” three dozen pairs of exposed butt cheeks and frat guy Jesus with a jug of Franzia marked “H2O”...

Simple formula can improve style

Simple formula can improve style

By Connor Tarter October 22, 2012

Gentlemen, whether you’re new on campus, looking to graduate or somewhere in between, looking sharp is a must. Of course, looking good doesn’t just happen magically — there’s a...

The New Orleans-native band Mutemath will play tonight at 8 p.m. at The Varsity Theatre.

Indie-rock band Mutemath to play at Varsity tonight

By Joshua Naquin October 22, 2012

With dozens of tours and hundreds of shows under its belt, alternative rock group Mutemath has garnered enough experience on the road to disregard ominous setbacks. Well, most of them. Mutemath drummer...

In this publicity photo provided by Ubisoft Entertainment, a scene from "Assassin's Creed III" is shown.

‘Assassin’s Creed’ heads for big screen

By Joey Groner October 22, 2012

October is turning out to be a great month for “Assassin’s Creed” fans. Next Tuesday, “Assassin’s Creed III” drops and will likely deliver one of the best gaming experiences...

LSU kinesiology major Taylor Faulk serves on Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012 at Twin Peaks a beer to customer.

Students take on off-the-wall jobs

By David Jones October 22, 2012

As the economy dwindles and jobs become increasingly scarce, many students find refuge in the confines of office desks and fast food fryers worldwide. But others, like kinesiology senior Taylor Faulk,...