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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Squirrels are not the only animal students will run into

By Raylea Barrow
Entertainment Writer
February 6, 2012

Cast members of the "Eiffel Tower: Revisited" lab play promoted the coming event using peculiar methods Monday afternoon in the Quad. At 1:40 p.m., cast member Stephen Horne searched for his missing ostrich,...

University to host Dickens film festival

By Josh Naquin
Entertainment Writer
February 6, 2012

Today marks accomplished author Charles Dickens' 200th birthday, and the University is ready to celebrate. The University will hold a semester-long film festival to showcase a couple screen adaptations...

Students participate as extras Oct. 24, 2011, during the filming of “Pitch Perfect,” starring Anna Kendrick (above). Portions of the movie were filmed in the Quad and other spots around campus.

Students get a taste of Hollywood as movie extras

By David Jones
Entertainment Writer
February 2, 2012

University students are following in the footsteps of Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Megan Fox, who all started their careers as background actors in feature films. Louisiana has exploded in popularity as a...

‘Pride and Prejudice’ boasts stellar acting, pitch-perfect design

By Taylor Balkom
Entertainment Writer
February 2, 2012

Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" has seen many adaptations over the years, with Keira Knightley's Oscar-nominated performance in the 2005 film adaptation being the latest. And now the play adaptation,...

Steve Aoki talks new album, salad

By Josh Naquin
Entertainment Writer
February 1, 2012

Steve Aoki says let them eat cake. For fans headed to see Aoki and Datsik at The Sugar Mill in New Orleans on Saturday, dinner is included with the show — sort of. Aoki, a DJ and producer, has generated...

Colour Revolt guitarist Kirkpatrick talks recording

By Joey Groner
Entertainment Writer
February 1, 2012

Colour Revolt, the indie rock outfit from Oxford, Miss., is set to re-release its debut EP on vinyl for the first time on Feb. 7. To celebrate the release, the band is playing seven shows across the Southeast,...

Radio Bar hosts Prom Date listening party

By Austen Krantz
Entertainment Writer
February 1, 2012

Local indie synth-pop dance musicians Prom Date will showcase their music and likeness for their fans a little differently Thursday night. The Radio Bar on Government Street will host a Prom Date listening...

Foster Hall gallery opens student art show

By Haylie Navarre
Entertainment Writer
February 1, 2012

Students are encouraged to touch — and even break — one of the pieces in the upcoming juried student art exhibit in the gallery in Foster Hall, a University-wide competition called "Art Unbound:...

The Fitting Room: Red hot pants provide pop, pizzazz

By Al Burks
February 1, 2012

Designer denim in Crayola colors became available a few years ago in the mid-range price market, holding the loyal contemporary shopper to a new standard for casual Fridays. The pants made a second emergence...

Steamed chicken in garlic sauce is available Monday for Dragon Cafe patrons. Both owner Pai-Cha Hu and her husband Shih-Chang Hu are retired University educators.

Dragon Cafe an affordable buffet

By Haylie Navarre
Entertainment Writer
January 31, 2012

The newly opened Dragon Cafe aims to give customers a taste of Chinese cuisine while keeping American taste buds content. The restaurant, located at 431 Third St., is open weekdays for lunch from 11 a.m....

Apple TV and Roku 2 XS: Same price, different features

By Taylor Balkom
Entertainment Writer
January 31, 2012

In an increasingly Internet-based world, traditional cable boxes are becoming obsolete. In its 2011 second-quarter earnings results, Time Warner announced it had lost 130,000 customers, or 1 percent of...

LSU student targeted on anonymous gossip website

By David Jones
Entertainment Writer
January 31, 2012

Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are flooded with posts about the good, the bad and the ugly — but one website gives users "the dirty." The Dirty is a self-proclaimed gossip and...