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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Professor of history Gaines M. Foster sits for coffee in the LSU Barnes and Noble on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2018.

LSU professor embraces South’s complicated history

By Matthew Bennett August 27, 2018

The American South has a controversial history of polarizing issues, but for LSU history professor Gaines Foster, the South is a part of who he is and what he’s made a living talking about. Foster...


LSU announces 3 percent increase for faculty raise pool

By Staff Reports August 17, 2018

The University will be adding a 3 percent merit raise pool to each department, beginning in September. The raise was announced in an email sent to all faculty from LSU President F. King Alexander. The...

A bridge and road on Aug. 13, 2016 as they are overcome by rising water levels in Ascension Parish.

LSU professor studies hurricanes, floods to predict future storm surges

By Brittney Forbes June 26, 2018

The University, as well as the rest of Louisiana, has undergone its share of bad weather. Hurricanes and flooding have had disastrous effects on South Louisiana and the entire Gulf Region. LSU Civil and...

LSU professor Ursula Emery McClure discusses her achievements on Monday, April 23, 2018 in Thomas W. Atkinson Hall on LSU's campus.

LSU architect professor named one of 13 top female architects

By Rachel Mipro April 26, 2018

Ursula McClure is one of many architect professors at the University. As of April 3, she’s the only female architect in the U.S. to be acknowledged by ArchDaily’s list of leading women in architecture.ArchDaily,...

Audience members listen to Professor Ruth Gates during the Coral Reefs in Crisis event in Dalton Auditorium in the LSU Energy, Coastal and Environmental building on Friday, Mar. 2, 2018.

LSU College of the Coast and Environment hosts seminar to educate public on “Corals in Crisis”

By Rachel Mipro March 8, 2018

Louisiana’s coral reefs might be gone before the majority of Louisianans even know they exist. Due to the rapid warming of coastal waters, the Flower Garden Banks coral reefs are quickly shrinking.The Flower...

LSU construction management graduate coordinator Marwa Hassan, Ph.D., discusses having received the Professor of Excellence award at an interview in Patrick F. Taylor Hall on LSU campus on Monday, March 5, 2018.

LSU Professor receives Jacobs Professor of Excellence Award

By Luke Jeanfreau March 8, 2018

On a person’s birthday, they can usually expect to receive gifts. This year, an LSU Professor received a birthday gift she won’t soon forget. CETF Distinguished Professor and Graduate Coordinator...

Eli Jackson

LSU custodian receives civil service award after 53 years at University

By Hailey Auglair February 22, 2018

Where were you in 1964? Custodian Eli Jackson was just starting his career in the University’s Department of Residential Life the year Kirby Smith Hall was built, and he hasn’t skipped a beat...

After almost a decade of research, LSU art professor publishes book on European art

After almost a decade of research, LSU art professor publishes book on European art

By Rachel Mipro February 1, 2018

After eight years of research, LSU College of Art and Design professor Darius Spieth prepares to take the art world by storm.Spieth recently published his second book, "Revolutionary Paris...

University Boyd Professor of English J. Gerald Kennedy speaks about his latest book, Strange Nation, and of its purpose and inspirations on Nov. 21, 2016 in his office in Allen Hall.

Boyd Professor featured in PBS ‘Edgar Allan Poe: Buried Alive’

By Hailey Auglair November 6, 2017

Taking a break from lecturing and writing novels about Edgar Allan Poe, English Boyd Professor J. Gerald Kennedy gave his insight in PBS’s documentary “Edgar Allan Poe: Buried Alive.” “The...

LSU Department of Biological Sciences Professor James Moroney measures photosynthesis using oxygen evaluation at his lab in the LSU Life Sciences Building on Friday, Sept. 22, 2017.

LSU professor works to solve future food crisis

By Hailey Auglair September 26, 2017

In 2050, it is projected the world’s population will be about 10 billion and there will be a 70 to 100 percent increase in food demand within the next 30 years resulting in a food shortage crisis...

LSU President F. King Alexander introduces Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 in the Holliday Forum.

LSU President announces faculty and staff pay raise

By Staff Reports August 7, 2017

The University will offer a 3 percent faculty and staff pay raise pool to each department, LSU President F. King Alexander announced in a broadcast email to University faculty and staff on Monday. "Though...

Former U.S. Sen. John Breaux to join Manship School in fall

Former U.S. Sen. John Breaux to join Manship School in fall

By Katherine Roberts June 19, 2017

The Manship School of Mass Communication will welcome former Sen. John Breaux to the school in the fall as he teaches a new 4000-level political communication elective focusing on the inner workings of...