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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


KLSU Archive

Thank You For Your Donations!

By By James West August 23, 2009

All the staff members here at KLSU and at Student Media would like to thank all of those generous listeners out there who donated to help keep KLSU going. Right now, we are in the process of getting all...

KLSU Telethon April 16-19

By By James West April 15, 2009

You listen, you request, and sometimes you even enjoy it. We think...We're not exactly sure. So help us out. If you appreciate the music, the ticket givaways, the daily events or even just the good...

KLSU Telethon Fundraiser April 16 – 19

By By James West April 14, 2009

You listen, you request, and sometimes you even enjoy it. We think...We're not exactly sure. So help us out. If you appreciate the music, the ticket givaways, the daily events or even just the good...

Johhny Rivers and Nat King Cole Tribute On Spontaneous

March 3, 2009

Tune in this Sunday's edition of Spontaneous Combustion to hear Zia's tribute to Nat King Cole. Also, you can catch an exclusive interview with '60s rock and roll legend Johnny Rivers right here on 91.1,...

New Poll

By By James West February 9, 2009

Hey guys, Don't forget to vote on the new Poll! KLSU

Rock School

By By John Friscia January 26, 2009

In case you haven't heard now on KLSU for the first time ever......It's Rock School!!!! That's right, straight off the interweb every Sunday from 2-3pm.  Join Dr. Joe Burns and Chad P. for your rockucation....