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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Mardi Gras cleanup in New Orleans costs $1.5M

By Joy Lukachick
Staff Writer
February 25, 2009

After floats shower beads onto the screaming crowds and the excitement of Carnival season is over, the beads, old sofas, lawn chairs and empty cans litter the streets and parade routes. But the tons of...

Study finds pollution solution

By Joy Lukachick
Staff Writer
February 25, 2009

University researchers recently discovered a solution to reduce pollution in lakes and rivers by planting more diverse crops in farmlands and surrounding the crops with buffers.The study, "Frontiers in...

Job losses lead many to continue education

By Lindsey Meaux
Staff Writer
February 25, 2009

With each day's news reporting more layoffs, employees making a last-ditch effort to shield themselves from soaring unemployment rates have a non-traditional option — continuing education.Doug...

Easy Streets to focus on pedestrian safety

By Brianna Paciorka
Contributing Writer
February 25, 2009

Bike paths, one-way streets and pedestrian corridors are among some of the things planned for phase two of Easy Streets — a part of a study that began in October 2008. The initial draft analyzed...

Facebook’s unannounced terms of use anger users

By Steven Powell
Contributing Writer
February 25, 2009

Facebook temporarily reverted back to the old terms of use Feb. 18, after the new terms, implemented unannounced on Feb. 4, sparked controversy and protest among users.Facebook is starting a new group...

Upbeat Obama says US will revive past ‘reckoning’ – 10 p.m.

By Associated Press
February 24, 2009

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama promised a nation shuddering in economic crisis Tuesday night that he would lead it from a dire "day of reckoning" to a brighter future, summoning politicians...

Tunnel remains part of campus history, tradition

By Derek Medlin
Managing Editor
February 22, 2009

The Free Expression Tunnel, which officially opened as a service tunnel in the 1930s, has served as N.C. State's sounding board for student ideas and student organization announcements for more than 40...

Survey indicates about 20 percent plan to attend graduate school

By Lindsey Meaux
Staff Writer
February 20, 2009

Lynsie Mumphrey started college with a clear focus: admission into medical school.According to the kinesiology sophomore, she has bounced between a basic sciences major and a kinesiology major. But...

Rachel Zimmerman (right) stands in a high-five pose with a friend in the Quad on Thursday afternoon during the five-minute flash mob project.

Quad comes to complete stop

By Adam Duvernay
Staff Writer
February 20, 2009

As the clock struck 1:33 p.m., a haunting blast from an ocean conch echoed through the Quad and signaled a mass call for stillness. Within moments, hundreds of students, professors and passers-by fell...

Martin: University will continue to explore all options, including furloughs – 4 p.m.

By Kyle Bove
Chief Staff Writer
February 20, 2009

In a broadcast e-mail sent Friday afternoon, Chancellor Michael Martin told students, faculty and staff the University is "exploring options" for dealing with possibly large budget cuts next year. On Thursday,...


Furlough proposal submitted to LSU System

By Kyle Bove
Chief Staff Writer
February 20, 2009

The University submitted a proposal to the LSU System Office on Thursday, requesting the Board of Supervisors change a major policy that would make enforcing an involuntary furlough on faculty easier....

Students to Freeze for 5 minutes in the Quad – 11:55 a.m.

By Adam Duvernay
Staff Writer
February 19, 2009

Today, at 1:33 p.m. exactly, a flash mob will assemble in the Quad, coming to a complete stop for five minutes as part of an event called "Freeze the Quad."Participants in the event will first meet in...