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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



High school students try to break dodgeball record

By Nichole Oden
Contributing Writer
February 19, 2009

One night several months ago, David Barnett was watching the band Weezer's music video for the song "Troublemaker" when a crazy idea hit him.The video holds the world record for the largest dodgeball game...

SG to hold second “Straight Talk” with students – 11:30 a.m.

By Adam Duvernay
Staff Writer
February 18, 2009

Barring potential heavy rains, the Student Government executive branch will hold its second session of "Straight Talk" with University students today from 11:30 to 2:00.When the second session was first...

Women’s and Gender Studies holds lecture series – 12:55 p.m.

By Kimberly Brown
Contributing Writer
February 18, 2009

The Women's and Gender Studies Program is having a lecture from its WGS Engendering Scholarship Lecture Series, called The Louisiana Poverty Initiative, today, from 4:40 p.m. to 6 p.m., in 129 Himes Hall. "The...

Obama approves stimulus package

DENVER (AP) — Racing to reverse the country's economic spiral, President Obama signed a mammoth stimulus package into law Tuesday and readied a $50 billion rescue plan for Wednesday's announcement...

Three student suggestions for spring ballot approved

By Adam Duvernay
Staff Writer
February 18, 2009

If students ignore Student Government elections this semester, they may be passing up their first opportunity to directly choose how their student fees are spent. For nearly a month, the SG Senate has...

Group tries to make “Biggest Dodgeball Game Ever” – 12:55 p.m.

By Nichole Oden
February 18, 2009

On March 28th, several students from Baton Rouge Catholic High School and Saint Joseph's Academy will attempt to break the world record for the biggest dodgeball game ever by hosting a game on the University's...

SG hosts second ‘straight talk’ with students

By Adam Duvernay
Staff Writer
February 18, 2009

Despite a light rain and the clatter of power-tools outside the LSU Student Union, a free king cake giveaway was enough to stop students long enough for Student Government to grill them on their concerns.Setting...

Governors consider turning down stimulus money

By Melinda Deslatte
The Associate Press
February 18, 2009

 (AP) — A handful of Republican governors are considering turning down some money from the federal stimulus package, a move opponents say puts conservative ideology ahead of the needs of constituents...

Hoop Challenge winners to represent University in Tampa

By Natalie Roy
Contributing Writer
February 18, 2009

With the clock dwindling in triple overtime, the MonStars and the Manbearpigs scrambled to score the seven points needed for a win. Leading 6-2, the all-freshmen MonStars saw an opening, took the shot...

Martin ‘an open book’ about budget cuts

By Ryan Buxton
Contributing Writer
February 18, 2009

Though information on the University's budget concerns is still sparse, the Staff Senate finds itself questioning the best role to play in the ongoing financial uncertainty. The looming budget reduction...

Staff Senate Holds February Meeting – 12:50 p.m.

By Ryan Buxton
February 18, 2009

The Staff Senate held its February meeting Wednesday morning at 10:30 a.m. in 225 Peabody Hall.  An agenda was not made available before the meeting, but a speaker was expected as well as discussion...

Caterie’s license unchanged

By Joy Lukachick
Staff Writer
February 18, 2009

The Baton Rouge Metropolitan Council's final vote denying the Caterie owners' request to rezone the business caused business owners and two councilmen to storm from the room in disgust at Wednesday's meeting. ...