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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Iran claims first launch of its own satellite – 11:20 a.m.

By Associated Press
February 3, 2009

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran has successfully sent its first domestically made satellite into orbit, the country's president announced Tuesday, claiming a significant step in an ambitious space program...

UREC gate closure causes vandalism – 11 a.m.

By Natalie Roy
Contributing writer
February 3, 2009

Because of the new University Student Recreational Complex gate closure policy implemented on Jan. 20, students must now walk through the UREC and swipe their student IDs in order to access the outdoor...

Economy not affecting Mardi Gras 2009 – 12 p.m.

By Joy Lukachick
Staff writer
February 3, 2009

New Orleans officials remain "cautiously optimistic" for this year's Fat Tuesday. "[We're] trying to remind people it's the greatest free show," said Mary Beth Romig, New Orleans Metropolitan...

UREC signs saying "members only" have recently been vandalized. Damages to the UREC total $700.

Student Recreation Complex gates close, signs vandalized

By Natalie Roy
Contributing Writer
February 3, 2009

University Recreation's decision to close the Student Recreation Complex's gates has resulted in less than desirable feedback. Though University Recreation implemented the gate closure to give University...

SC sheriff investigating Phelps’ pot pipe pic – 11:40 a.m.

By Associated Press
February 3, 2009

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — South Carolina authorities in the county where Michael Phelps was spotted smoking from a marijuana pipe say they are considering a criminal charge against the Olympic superstar. Lt....

Flagship IT Strategy Update says more than half of agenda implemented or in progress – 11:40 a.m.

By Steven Powell
Contributing writer
February 3, 2009

Two years after launching the Flagship Information Technology Strategy agenda, the University has implemented or put in progress over half of its agenda items.According to the Flagship IT Strategy Update...

Spike Lee speaks at MLK event

By Victoria Yu
Contributing Writer
February 3, 2009

Award-winning movie director and producer Spike Lee spoke against black stereotypes at the eighth annual MLK Unity Celebration at Baton Rouge Community College on Tuesday night.The celebration, inspired...

Flagship IT Strategy progressing well after two years

By Steven Powell
Contributing Writer
February 3, 2009

Two years after launching the Flagship Information Technology Strategy, the University has made significant progress.Of the 84 items on the agenda, 40 are in progress and 28 have been implemented, according...

The Shell gas station on the corner of Highland Road and LSU Avenue is one of many area gas stations affected by rising oil prices.

Gas prices rising steadily despite decline in demand

By Brianna Paciorka
Contributing Writer
February 3, 2009

Gas prices are steadily rising across the country again after dropping drastically in the past months. The average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in the U.S. is $1.89, a 24 cent increase...

Suicide prevention to get more exposure

By Adam Duvernay
Staff Writer
February 3, 2009

Following the tragic suicides of six University students in 1970, including Student Government President Art Ensminger, the student body voted to establish a suicide prevention hotline with the Baton Rouge...

Volunteer LSU achieving goals of innovation

By Mary Walker Baus
Contributing Writer
February 3, 2009

Knocking door-to-door to recruit volunteers during and after Hurricane Gustav was just a walk in the park for Michael Rhea. "Volunteer LSU is part of the Campus Life department," said Rhea, Volunteer LSU...

African American Cultural Center, SG hosting Black History Month program tonight – 11:10 a.m.

By Victoria Yu
Contributing writer
February 3, 2009

The African American Cultural Center and Student Government will kick off Black History Month tonight at 6 p.m. in the Student Union with a Tribute Program featuring guest speaker Jeffrey Ogbar from the...