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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Jindal unveils health care revamp proposal – 1 p.m.

By Associated Press
November 14, 2008

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — The Jindal administration is unveiling the details of its proposal to revamp the way the state provides health care to the poor and uninsured. The plan would involve steering...

Reports: Kanye West arrested in England – 12:55 p.m.

By Associated Press
November 14, 2008

LONDON (AP) — Rapper Kanye West was arrested after a fracas outside a nightclub but released without charge, British media reported Friday. The Press Association news agency and others reported that...

Man arrested for racist death threats, some to LSU students, via Facebook – 1:15 p.m.

By Associated Press
November 14, 2008

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A black man from Mississippi has been arrested and accused of sending racist death threats over the Internet to three black students at Louisiana's Nicholls State University. The...

Jindal ethics claims challenged – 1 p.m.

By Associated Press
November 14, 2008

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Gov. Bobby Jindal may have beefed up the state's ethics laws, but an organization that ranks such things says it's too soon for the governor to claim Louisiana's new laws...

Spring scheduling leads to last-minute rush – 11:31 a.m.

By Joy Lukachick
Contributing Writer
November 13, 2008

As spring scheduling comes to a close Friday, students have been piling into the University College centers for Advising and Counseling and Freshman Year to take care of last minute scheduling problems.Herbert...


SG plans beautification program

By Adam Duvernay
Contributing Writer
November 13, 2008

Just behind the Quad, outside Dodson Auditorium, Student Government is planning the latest project on the University's ever-changing campus. Trees and walkways are tentatively planned for where there are...

LSUPD to install new laptops in police cars

By J.J. Alcantara
Chief Staff Writer
November 13, 2008

The LSU Police Department is going high tech.With about $200,000 in hand, LSUPD is installing new laptops and software into its cars.LSUPD spokesman Maj. Lawrence Rabalais said the new technology will...

New president sworn in for BESE – 10:50 a.m.

By Associated Press
November 13, 2008

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Keith Guice, of Monroe, has been sworn in as the new president of the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. Guice, who joined the board this year, succeeds Linda...

Extended hours to last into spring

By Katie Kennedy
Staff Writer
November 13, 2008

The Middleton Library extended hours trial period proved successful, and the facility will stay open until 2 a.m. Sunday through Thursday starting Dec. 1. Student Government President Colorado Robertson...

Britton Loftin, executive director of the Louisiana Democratic Party, speaks to the League of Women Voters on Thursday.

League of Women Voters tackle state’s political future

By Lindsey Meaux
Staff Writer
November 13, 2008

The Nov. 4 general elections left Louisiana caught between a Democratic president-elect, a Republican governor and a newly re-elected Democratic United States senator. Now, many residents are searching...

Block and Bridle club to hold annual all-student rodeo

By Aimee Effler
Contributing Writer
November 13, 2008

Students are saddling up for the Block and Bridle club's annual rodeo, held today and Friday in the John M. Parker Coliseum.The all-student rodeo started more than 70 years ago, and Bethany Edler, the...

START program offers free computer training for students – 12:10 p.m.

By Leslie Presnall
Staff Writer
November 13, 2008

START — the Student Technical, Application and Resource Training program — has a solution for those students who have stumbled blindly through computer programs to complete class projects.START...