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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Campus hit with 10 car burglaries in two weeks – 4:02 p.m.

By JJ Alcantara
September 25, 2008

Ten vehicles were reported to have been broken into within the last two weeks on campus.LSU Police Department spokeswoman Maj. Helen Haire said more than $11,000 worth of items were stolen.

Racquetball reopens after Hurricane Gustav

By Mary Gonzalez
Contributing Writer
September 25, 2008

Three additional racquetball courts reopened Monday at the University Student Recreation Complex.Officials closed the courts until ceilings were checked for damage after Hurricane Gustav, said Tricia Milford-Hoyt,...

‘Craft Road Show’ draws crowd

By Olga Kourliova
Contributing Writer
September 25, 2008

To see a video on the presentation from Garth Johnson. click here. Highlights of ceramicist Garth Johnson's lecture Wednesday evening included Anna Maltz's molehair suits that make the wearer appear naked...

Library to host discussion on Iran’s political climate

September 25, 2008

Mark Gasiorowski will be in Middleton Library today talking about the politics of Iran during the late 1970s and early 1980s.Gasiorowski, a political science professor, will be using Marjane Satrapi's...


Nine SG senators take ride on Campus Transit bus

By Katie Kennedy
Staff Writer
September 25, 2008

To see a video on the SG senators using Campus Transit, click here. Nine Student Government senators gathered together in the parking lot of Parker Coliseum Wednesday evening, anxiously waiting for Campus...

Alternates found for Mulcahy’s classes

By Leslie Presnall
Staff Writer
September 25, 2008

The University hired permanent replacements to teach professor Kevin Mulcahy's political science classes for the remainder of the semester, James Stoner, Department of Political Science chairman, said...

Baton Rouge co. to provide University’s emergency messages – 11:00 a.m.

By Associated Press
September 25, 2008

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana State University has hired a Baton Rouge company for its emergency text message system and will test the new system Friday morning.LSU said it must change because...

Pre-construction meeting held for Union Theater – 11:30 a.m.

By Adam Duvernay
Contributing Writer
September 25, 2008

Student Union officials and contractors met in the Union Theater this morning for a pre-construction meeting. For the officials present, the short procedural gathering symbolized the true start of theater...

Study for Easy Streets’ second phase to begin in October

By Aimee Effler
Contributing Writer
September 24, 2008

One-way streets, angled parking, pedestrian corridors and bike trails are all topics of the second phase of Easy Streets.  "The original proposal was a five-year plan, and we were to come back and...

Univ. EOC to release post-Gustav report – 10:15 a.m.

By Kyle Bove
Staff Writer
September 24, 2008

An "After-Action Report" from the University Emergency Operations Center should be available in a couple of weeks. "The purpose of the After-Action Report is to identify lessons learned including the stand-out...

University hosts Baton Rouge transportation forum

By Charles Schully
Contributing Writer
September 24, 2008

Streets around Baton Rouge certainly are not the most user-friendly, three challengers to Mayor-President Kip Holden's re-election bid agreed Tuesday night.The University hosted the forum, in the Energy,...