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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Stations sit on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020 for COVID-19 testing outside of the Student Union on LSU's campus.

Here’s everything LSU students need to know about COVID-19 protocols this semester

By Anna Jones January 27, 2021

The start of the spring semester is here, and so are updated COVID-19 policies at LSU. Here's everything LSU students need to know about testing, vaccinations, attendance policies and more:  Where...

The sun sets above the parade ground on Monday, Jan. 21, 2019.

LSU Facility Services explains the reason behind the Parade Ground closure

By Sasha Bourne January 26, 2021

After a semester of fun on the Parade Ground, Facility Services has officially roped off the area, and students are curious as to why. The Parade Ground has been the hot spot for students to hang out,...

Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity hosted a flu shot drive Nov. 11, 2020, in partnership with the Student Health Center.

‘Greek Life has gained something here’: LSU fraternities work to remain connected during pandemic

By Anne Marie Wherritt January 26, 2021

Despite COVID-19 regulations preventing LSU Greek Life from hosting events and parties similar to the ones in previous years, fraternities on campus have worked together to remain connected during the...

LSU alumnus Reid Simkovitz is the creator of "Scruffie," a shaving product that went viral on Tik Tok and is now sold out.

LSU alumnus’ business goes viral on Tik Tok, product sells out

By Amber Buettner January 26, 2021

After an LSU alumnus developed a product from an idea he had while living in The Pentagon Residence Hall on campus, his product went viral and is now sold out. Reid Simkovitz started his business when...

The bell tower clock stands tall Saturday, Sept. 19, 2020 from the top of the Barnes & Noble at LSU parking garage on E Campus Drive.

AAAS course requirement resolution withdrawn from LSU Faculty Senate

By Reveille Staff Report January 26, 2021

Two LSU faculty senators have withdrawn their resolution to require all undergraduates to take an introductory class to African and African American studies (AAAS).  During Monday evening's Faculty...

Bussiness management sophomore Domonique Davis, founder of the Black Student-Athlete Association, smiles for picture before interview on Monday, Oct. 5, 2020 at the Ion apartments on West Chime Street.

LSU athletes ‘lit the spark’ for potential anti-racist curriculum change

By Reed Darcey & TJ Polk January 25, 2021

Updated as of 8:05 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 26. Future LSU undergraduates could be required to take an introductory class to African and African American studies (AAAS) if the LSU Faculty Senate passes a...

LSU Student Government office operates during normal hours in the LSU Student Union on Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2018.

This week in SG: plans for NPHC spot on campus, new legislation

By Caroline Savoie January 25, 2021

Branches of LSU’s Student Government are gearing up for the semester by finalizing committees, holding meetings and preparing for the upcoming election and new administration.  Speaker Marina...

LSU Student Government Presidental canidates and their Vice Presidental canidates debate on Tuesday, Mar. 3, 2020 during the Student Government debate.

SG campaigns prepare for spring elections

By Caroline Savoie January 25, 2021

With Student Government's spring election approaching, multiple campaigns have their sights set on becoming president and vice president of the organization’s new administration. Each election...

Pluckers Wing Bar sits on 4225 Nicholson Drive on Thursday, Aug. 31, 2017.

How some local businesses are navigating the pandemic

By Henry Weldon January 24, 2021

COVID-19 has ravaged the restaurant industry and the local economy. With limited seating and the danger that the virus poses, restaurants are grappling with the hard reality of indoor dining. Some local...

Mental health 2021

Mental health guide for students: How to find a therapist on and off campus

By Josh Archote January 24, 2021

The LSU community’s experience with mental health tragedies reflects the increasing prevalence of mental illness among young adults today, which has been further enflamed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Demand...

Photo courtesy of LSU.

LSU implements new COVID-19 testing policies, testing locations

By Josh Archote January 24, 2021

LSU will implement new COVID-19 testing and safety protocols for the spring semester, including new testing centers, bi-weekly mandatory testing of a random sample of students and incentives for students...

Members of Delta Zeta participate in social activities while taking measures against COVID-19.

Sisterhood stories: How sorority members are staying involved amid a pandemic

By Anne Marie Wherritt January 21, 2021

Sororities down the row are creating new protocols so Greek Life members can still have experiences at the house with friends and in the Greek Life community amid COVID-19 protective measures.  Before...