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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Signs in Tuscaloosa, Alabama use the infamous LSU-Alabama rivalry to encourage residents to practice social distancing. 

Tuscaloosa uses Alabama-LSU rivalry to encourage social distancing

By Caitie Zeilman April 13, 2020

The city of Tuscaloosa, Alabama encouraged residents to follow CDC guidelines in the midst of COVID-19-- but not without passing up the opportunity to poke fun at LSU fans.  The city posted several...

An LSU student uses a scantron in Campbell B. Hodges Hall.

LSU provides pass/no credit grading option for spring semester, web portal to opt in opens Apr. 27

By Reveille Staff Report April 13, 2020

Updated Apr. 13, 4:25 p.m.LSU announced students will have the option to have their final grades reported on their transcripts as conventional plus/minus letter grades or as pass/no credit (P/NC) grades...

The LSU Olinde Career Center Recruitment Office on Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020 in the LSU Student Union.

LSU students lose on-campus jobs, financial aid scholarships amid COVID-19 pandemic

By Katherine Manuel April 13, 2020

When the University closed campus, students lost routines, in-person classes and, for some, their paychecks.Students who previously worked on campus in research or work-study jobs are now without work...

Grace King Hall on March 11, 2020.

LSU Residential Life charges students early move-out fees

By Jacob Mathews April 10, 2020

LSU Residential Life charged early move-out fees to students who left their on-campus housing due to COVID-19.  The University can charge a 75% move-out fee if the move-out wasn’t for the University’s...

LSU Students walk across the Quad on Monday, Dec. 2, 2019, at Louisiana State University.

LSU minority, LGBTQ faculty members report discomfort from colleagues, student comments

By Lara Nicholson April 8, 2020

The 2018-2019 Campus Climate survey revealed many LSU faculty members— particularly those of racial minority groups and the LGBTQ community—feel discomfort from comments made by peers and students...

Former LSU track athlete Pearson Jordan died on March 28, 2020, due to coronavirus complications. 

COVID-19 claims the lives of two former LSU athletes

By Caitie Zeilman April 6, 2020

Former LSU athletes Orlando McDaniel and Pearson Jordan have died due to complications of the novel coronavirus, according to the Advocate.  McDaniel, a football and track and field star, died on...

Dance Marathon at LSU announced plans for the virtual event via Twitter on March 14, 2020. 

‘Coming to a screen near you’: Dance Marathon at LSU plans virtual event

By Marykelly Munster April 4, 2020

All University functions were cancelled this semester, but members of Dance Marathon at LSU found a unique way to continue fundraising for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. The student-run organization...

April 2 12 p.m. La. COVID-19 cases

Louisiana orders additional ventilators, expands hospital capacities to prevent shortages

By Reveille Staff Report April 4, 2020

Vice President Pence confirmed Louisiana will receive an additional 200 ventilators from the federal Strategic National Stockpile in response to the coronavirus pandemic, according to Gov. John Bel Edwards.  Louisiana...

The LSU Olinde Career Center Recruitment Office on Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020 in the LSU Student Union.

LSU Career Center offers essential job opportunities during ‘stay at home’ period

By Jacob Mathews April 3, 2020

The University’s Olinde Career Center is still offering job opportunities during the stay at home period.Currently, there are more than 11,000 jobs listed in Handshake, the University’s online...

The logo for the Zoom University Facebook page as of April 2, 2020. 

College students create ‘Zoom University’ clubs, Greek life organizations through Facebook

By Kimsey Stewart April 2, 2020

College students around the country are reaching out on social media to other students to try to preserve some of the social life that comes with college. Some joke they attend ‘Zoom University,’...

Tik Tok logo 

LSU students turn to social media app TikTok for entertainment during quarantine

By Caitie Zeilman April 2, 2020

Following a mandatory stay-at-home order issued by Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards, many LSU students are forced to be creative when it comes to entertaining themselves in quarantine.The University cancelled...

The Rouses Market located at the intersection of Burbank and Lee in the Arlington Marketplace on Monday, Nov. 12, 2018.

Baton Rouge grocery stores implement changes in response to COVID-19

By Caitie Zeilman April 1, 2020

Many Baton Rouge area grocery stores recently implemented several changes regarding cleanliness and accessibility in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.Most large supermarkets including Walmart, Albertsons...