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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Professor of mechanical engineering Guoqiang Li provides samplings of his work on Monday, Jan. 14, 2019, in Patrick F. Taylor hall.

LSU professor helps improve pavement longevity

By Sophie Liberto January 15, 2019

University mechanical engineering professor Guoqiang Li and his team worked for the past eight years to create an asphalt sealant that prevents water from seeping into the asphalt, increasing its longevity. The...

Manship School of Mass Communication Professor and Associate Dean Andrea Miller

Manship’s Andrea Miller to become journalism dean at North Texas

By Staff Reports January 15, 2019

Andrea Miller, professor and associate dean in the Manship School of Mass Communication, will be leaving LSU to start her new position at the University of North Texas as dean of the Mayborn School of...

Miranda Campbell and Stewart Lockett stand outside Duke University’s David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

Student government leaders considering a new library at LSU

By Karli Carpenter January 15, 2019

LSU Student Government president Stewart Lockett and Assistant Director of Academic Affairs Miranda Campbell visited North Carolina State University and Duke University in December to get recommendations...

The LSU dining hall, The 5, on Monday Aug. 29, 2016, on LSU Campus. Due to new regulations, LSU residence can now only swipe one guest when entering the hall.

LSU campus water pressure returning to normal, Facility Services says

By Staff Reports January 15, 2019

Facility Services has isolated a failed water line, and water pressure across campus is returning to normal, according to Tammy Millican, the executive director of Facility & Property Oversight. The...

LSU Biological Engineering students teach Highland Elementary students math using their 3D printed tools.

LSU students 3D-print math tools for elementary students

By Bailey Chauvin January 15, 2019

The University's "Introduction to Engineering" class learned how to use 3D software and printing techniques to create learning tools they used to teach math to Highland Elementary students. The class,...

The LSU dining hall, The 5, on Monday Aug. 29, 2016, on LSU Campus. Due to new regulations, LSU residence can now only swipe one guest when entering the hall.

LSU main water pipe ruptures, causing dining hall closure, plumbing issues

By Staff Report January 14, 2019

The University's main water pipe ruptured, causing low water pressure and toilets being unable to flush properly campus-wide, according to LSU Facility Services. As a result of this infrastructure issue,...

Nicholas Lorusso Mug

Former LSU student pleads not guilty to battery at DKE house

By Staff Reports January 14, 2019

Nicholas Lorusso, a former LSU student and fraternity brother, pled not guilty on Monday to simple battery during an August 2017 fraternity event according to the Advocate. Lorusso also pled not guilty...

SVLSU members at the Student Veterans of America's national conference held  in Orlando, Fla. where they won the Chapter of the Year award. 

Student Veterans of LSU named SVA Chapter of the Year

By Bailey Chauvin January 14, 2019

Student Veterans of LSU was named the Student Veterans of America’s Chapter of the Year on Jan. 5. Student Veterans of America is a nonprofit organization that supports military...

The LSU dining hall, The 5, on Monday Aug. 29, 2016, on LSU Campus. Due to new regulations, LSU residence can now only swipe one guest when entering the hall.

The 5 Dining Hall closed Monday due to infrastructure issues

By Staff Report January 14, 2019

The 5 Dining Hall will be closed today due to continued infrastructure issues, according to an email from LSU Res Life. The 459 will remain open during normal hours, as well as as all other campus dining...

The newly opened Lactation Room is found on the second floor of the LSU Student Union in Room 254 on Friday, Jan. 11, 2019.

New lactation room unveiled in LSU Student Union

By Karli Carpenter January 11, 2019

A new lactation space with three private stations opened Friday after a ribbon cutting ceremony in LSU’s Student Union. The space is open to all mothers in the LSU community, including...

The Horseshoe Community parking lot is closed for construction on Monday, Jan. 7, 2019, on Highland Road.

Res Life finishes construction on Evangeline Hall, expects to move residents in soon

By Sophie Liberto January 10, 2019

LSU Residential Life completed its construction of Evangeline Hall in the Horseshoe and hopes to move residents living in Highland and Louise Garig Hall after Martin Luther King,...

LSU Student Media discontinues publication of Legacy Magazine after student fee cut

LSU Student Media discontinues publication of Legacy Magazine after student fee cut

By LEGACY Staff January 9, 2019

Founded in 1991, Legacy Magazine has given students at Louisiana State University the chance to tell stories that matter to them through in-depth, long form and investigative writing. The fall 2018 edition,...