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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



SG announces new initiatives, possible change in policy for President’s Honor Roll and Dean’s List

SG announces new initiatives, possible change in policy for President’s Honor Roll and Dean’s List

By CJ Carver October 18, 2017

Students may have a better chance of achieving recognition on the President’s Honor Roll or Dean’s List because of one new policy proposal from LSU Student Government. President Jason Badeaux,...

Safety Report Graphic

Annual LSU security report shows low number of sexual assaults, rise in dating violence

By Abbie Shull October 18, 2017

According to the 2017 Security & Fire Report, the University continued to see a decline in the number of reported sex offenses.The University provides crime statistics each year in accordance...

The Advanced LIGO Project scientists, through their discovery, have opened the door to a new field of scientific inquiry called gravitational wave astronomy.

LIGO physicists observe neutron star collision, confirm Einstein’s theory of relativity

By Evan Saacks October 18, 2017

University physicists were among a group of scientists at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory who observed and detected a collision between two dead neutron stars 130 million light...

University professor Bret D. Elderd speaks about his research involving insects that stop the spread of disease through cannibalism at the University’s Life Sciences Annex on Friday, Oct. 13, 2017.

LSU professor studies effect cannibalizing caterpillars has on spread of disease

By Hailey Auglair October 17, 2017

Cannibalism may be an understudied factor in the spread of disease among insects, according to new research.Associate Professor of biological sciences Bret Eldred and his lab are researching how changes...

LSU first year coastal and ecological engineering masters student Alexandre Cowles (top left), second year school of architecture masters student Brendan Bailey (top right), second year department of geography and anthropology masters student Yi Ling Chan (bottom left) and third year department of landscape architecture masters student Dahyung Yang (bottom right) perform research on Thursday, October 5, 2017, in the Coastal Sustainability Studio.

Coastal Sustainability Studio merges disciplines to preserve coast

By Katie Gagliano October 17, 2017

While many academic departments rarely operate across disciplines, in the Coastal Sustainability Studio it's the norm.Each day at work, geography graduate student Yi Ling Chan develops geographical...

The Greek Life Task Force meets for the first time on Monday, Oct. 16, 2017 in the LSU Student Union.

LSU Task Force on Greek Life holds first meeting

By Abbie Shull October 16, 2017

LSU President F. King Alexander’s Task Force on Greek Life is set to make its recommendations regarding the future of Greek organizations at the University by early January. The task force was formed...

LSU Professor, Dr. R. Eugene Turner presents his research on shrinking body weight in fish on Friday, Oct. 13th, 2017 in the Energy, Coast, and Environment Building.

LSU professor studies the shrinking of fish as ocean temperatures rise

By Hailey Auglair October 16, 2017

Menhaden, a type of fish, are about one-half of the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico fish harvest and have become smaller over the last 65 years in the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coast as ocean...

LSU student Benjamin Balser dies

By Staff Reports October 16, 2017

Update: Oct. 18, 6:07 p.m. The East Baton Rouge Coroner's Office said the toxicology report to determine the cause of death will take three weeks. ---  University student Benjamin Balser died over...

LSU Mass Communication freshman Walter Miller poses for a photo after singing the National Anthem on Sunday, Oct. 15, 2017 at the LSU Soccer Complex.

Student sings national anthem at sporting events, plans to release original album

By Ashlon Lusk October 16, 2017

Months after graduating high school, mass communication freshman Walter Miller has an album coming out toward the beginning of next year, has sung the national anthem more than 100 times and has sung for...

The Nakatrash tailgate gathers before the football game on Saturday, Oct. 14, 2017, on LSU campus.

Tailgate Tales: ‘Master Tailgaters’ from Natchitoches tailgate with ‘Nakatrash’ truck

By Ashlon Lusk October 14, 2017

Since 1975, one Natchitoches family has travelled three hours south to Death Valley for Tiger football tailgating with their golden truck labeled “Nakatrash.”Nakatrash, a "Van Geaux original,"...

The French House stands during the 50th Anniversary of the Honors College on Friday, October 13, 2017, on Highland Road.

LSU Honors College celebrates 50 years

By Abbie Shull October 13, 2017

The Roger Hadfield Ogden Honors College welcomed current students, alumni, faculty and friends to celebrate 50 years of the honors program this week.On Oct. 13, the French House hosted an anniversary BBQ...

Mike the Tiger perches in his habitat on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017, on LSU campus.

LSU develops Tiger Conservation Fund to help save tigers in the wild

By Staff Reports October 13, 2017

University students and Tiger fans can now contribute to the LSU Tiger Conservation Fund to help save tigers in the wild, the University announced in a press release Friday. The campaign is part of...