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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



LSU student’s research poster wins at national conference

LSU student’s research poster wins at national conference

By Dena Winegeart February 24, 2017

For most young students, science fairs were the bane of their existence. Even for those who love science, like University biological sciences junior Joselyn Knowling, they’re not fun. Despite this,...

LSU SG Senator Jordan Landry speaks about Pres. Trump’s executive ban on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2017 in the Capital Chambers located in the LSU Student Union.

Student Senate approves executive order response resolution

By Katie Gagliano February 23, 2017

The Student Senate approved Wednesday night an amended version of a Student Government resolution urging the revocation of President Donald Trump’s immigration executive order. The original resolution,...

By the numbers: Looking at how the Legislature patched the budget hole

By Tryfon Boukouvidas, Manship News Service February 23, 2017

After numerous revisions, political pressure and arm twisting, the 2017 Special Session of the Louisiana Legislature agreed to a formula Wednesday to counter a $304.2 million revenue shortfall.It was a...

Sen. Mike Walsworth, R-West Monroe, and Sen. Sharon Hewitt, R-Slidell, listen glumly to the news of another deficit in the next fiscal year during the Joint Legislative Committee of the Budget Thursday. 

Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget looks ahead to next deficit

Less than day after the Louisiana Legislature closed the $304 million mid-year budget deficit, the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget Thursday heard Gov. John Bel Edwards’ plan to address...

Special Session

Higher ed faces no cuts in special session budget solution

By Katie Gagliano February 23, 2017

With hours to spare, the Louisiana Legislature Wednesday reached a compromise to close a $304 million mid-year deficit -- the 15th such deficit in the last nine years. The deficit was shored up through...

LSU Student Government meets on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2017 in the Capital Chambers located in the LSU Student Union.

SG bill on reallocation of student fees could mean unlimited scantrons

By CJ Carver February 23, 2017

Students concerned with restrictions placed on the amount of scantrons and blue books that can be taken from the LSU Student Government office may have their anxieties relieved soon — and at no additional...

The LSU FACES Lab uses forensic anthropology to help law enforcement agencies identify human remains.

LSU home to more than a couple hidden gems

By Taylor Delpidio February 23, 2017

In my first semester on campus, I encountered a mystery. I saw people walking around campus with Subway sandwiches, but I could not find where they came from.  The Subway in Northgate, maybe? ...

Special Session

Special session closes after legislators strike deal

By Sam Karlin February 22, 2017

Louisiana lawmakers finished their work filling a $304 million mid-year budget gap Wednesday, with the Legislature coming to a compromise following a week of public debates and private negotiations between...

LSU Student turns Party Cups into Business

By Johnston von Springer February 22, 2017

Students at LSU have probably seen a party cup or two during their time on campus. Whether they are made by a friend or a local business, they are a popular accessory for several types of social events. Haley...

LSU SG Senator Jordan Landry speaks about President Trump’s executive ban on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2017 in the Capital Chambers located in the LSU Student Union.

Election season approaches, single ticket announced

By CJ Carver February 22, 2017

Spring election season is right around the corner, but with only one ticket officially announced thus far, students may see an unusual cycle take place. Election season for the University officially begins...

A squad car rests in the LSUPD station parking lot on Wednesday, January 11, 2016.

Crime Briefs: LSU student arrested for threatening statement

By Trey Couvillion February 22, 2017

University student arrested for threatening statement A University student was arrested after she allegedly made a terroristic threat to a Residential Life employee in regard to other residents at West...

A 1926 edition of the LSU's Gumbo yearbook on show on Monday, Feb. 20, 2017 in Hill Memorial Library.

Hill Memorial Library debuts WWI exhibit

By Katherine Roberts February 22, 2017

LSU Libraries Special Collections commemorates the centennial of the United States’ entry into World War I with the exhibit “Through the Valley of Death: A Special Collections Perspective on...