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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



BLSA provides opportunity for black law students

By Dena Winegeart February 4, 2017

In a nation with nearly 38 million black Americans, only 5 percent of attorneys are black. University law students Jumoke Dara and Natalie Ebolum are hoping to change that. The Black Law Students Association...

Louisiana issues standing order for opioid overdose-reversal drug

Louisiana issues standing order for opioid overdose-reversal drug

By Natalie Anderson February 3, 2017

Louisiana has issued a standing order for the lifesaving medication naloxone, an opioid overdose-reversal drug, making it available without obtaining a prescription from a doctor. Naloxone is an antidote...


Annual NEDA Walk to take place Feb. 18

By CJ Carver February 3, 2017

The National Eating Disorders Association will put on its annual walk on Saturday, Feb. 18 at 9 a.m. at the Highland Road Community Park to raise awareness and funds in support of those suffering from...

Jurassic Park Graphic

LSU researcher develops method to extract DNA from preserved extinct reptile specimens

By Chris Clarke February 3, 2017

In a “Jurassic Park”-esque development in the field of phylogenetics, a joint research venture between faculty from Rutgers University-Newark and LSU developed a method for recovering and sequencing...

Bike usage increases on Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2017, on campus.

Bikeshare program set to make LSU an SEC leader in sustainability efforts

By Taylor Delpidio February 3, 2017

In a partnership with the Baton Rouge Area Foundation, the University will take part in a bikeshare program beginning this year. The first phase of the program will place 500 bikes for rental to the public...

Students discuss effects of fake news

Students discuss effects of fake news

By Trey Couvillion February 2, 2017

While scrolling through Twitter, Facebook or various other social media sites, one might not even notice it — and that’s largely the point.  Recently, the emergence of “fake news”...

Philosophy and film & media arts senior Brandon Harris's music is promoted SoundCloud.

SoundCloud’s financial problems could impact student artists

By Hannah Venerella February 2, 2017

The U.S. music industry is swelling for the second straight year – the first time since the CD sales peaked in 1998 and 1999 – because of paid streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music. Although...

A squad car rests in the LSUPD station parking lot on Wednesday, January 11, 2016.

Crime Briefs: University student doesn’t get parking spot, keys another student’s car

By Trey Couvillion February 2, 2017

University student doesn’t get parking spot, keys another student’s car LSUPD spokesperson Lt. Kevin Scott said a University student was arrested for keying another student’s vehicle...

Senate memebers during the weekly Student Government Senate meeting on Wednesday Sept. 14, 2016, in the LSU Student Union.

SG launches syllabi database

By CJ Carver February 2, 2017

Students now have the opportunity to access syllabi for an assortment of classes through a database created through a Student Government initiative. Born out of a resolution passed by SG Student Senate...

Office of Academic Affairs to streamline orientation sessions

Office of Academic Affairs to streamline orientation sessions

By Evan Saacks February 2, 2017

The time between when a student chooses to attend the University and when that student first attends a college class is an important time for the University to educate the student about college life. That...

Services arranged for Graham Thomas Jordan

By Courtesy of Mary Ellen Jordan February 2, 2017

Graham Thomas Jordan was welcomed into our Lord’s loving arms on Sunday, January 29, 2017 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana at the age of 21. Born on May 8, 1995, he is the beloved son of Mary Ellen Burggraf...

LSU recently selected Judy Wornat as the new dean of the College of Engineering.

New engineering dean discusses new initiatives

By Chris Clarke February 1, 2017

The LSU College of Engineering announced the selection of Judy Wornat as the new permanent dean of the college on Jan. 24, continuing her tenure as the interim dean which began in July of 2015. “We...