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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Cans of food that have been donated to the food pantry during the holiday season.

A Tale of Two Parishes: Programs target health in rural, urban Louisiana

By Olivia McClure December 5, 2013

The residents of Louisiana and Mississippi have the worst health in the United States, according to the United Health Foundation’s America’s Health Rankings. The states tied for 49th place...

LSU students and event attendees gather at the LSU Memorial Tower Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013 for the annual lighting of the LSU Christmas Tree.

Holiday tree reflects community

By Kaci Yoder December 5, 2013

For some, a Christmas tree means time with family, humming along to “Deck the Halls” and threading lights through the branches. For others, it means tearing into red and green wrapping paper...

Sunlight floods through elevated windows Tuesday afternoon inside the Studio Arts Buildings on campus.

University responds to ceramics studio damage

By Fernanda Zamudio-Suaréz December 5, 2013

University administrators are speaking with state legislators to prioritize the repair of the dilapidated ceramics studio, which saw a concrete panel fall from the ceiling over Thanksgiving break. LSU...

Pennington receives $16 million in grants from DOD

By Gordon Brillon December 5, 2013

LSU President F. King Alexander and two Pennington Biomedical Research Center scientists announced Wednesday the center’s reception of two grants totaling almost $16 million from the United States...

Student Government Presidential candidate John Woodard voices his opinion on March 7, 2013, at a campaign debate in the Holliday Forum.

SG changes internally to ensure long-term success

By Camille Stelly December 5, 2013

Despite keeping the Scantron initiative alive and advocating to get new food options in the Student Union, some students did not see Student Government as an effective organization this semester. “I’m...

Lack of pancakes disappoints students

By Alexis Rebennack December 5, 2013

Tuesday night University students flocked to the 459 and the 5 for the Pancake Breakfast hosted by President F. King Alexander and LSU Dining, only to find out they had been lured by a false promise. The...

Colleges progress in dean searches

By Fernanda Zamudio-Suaréz December 4, 2013

The University still has a ways to go after the end of the hiring freezes, with seven dean searches in progress and continuing through next semester. Jane Cassidy, vice provost for Human Resources and...

Middleton Display

By Michael Tarver December 4, 2013

Art and Design Librarian Marty Miller spent part of her first semester at the University aiding in architecture students’ work being displayed in Middleton Library. The architecture students worked...

African-American Heritage Club dancers from Baton Rouge Magnet High School perform Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013 at the University's African-American Cultural Center Pre-Kwanzaa Celebration.

Center celebrates Kwanzaa three weeks early

By William Morris December 4, 2013

The African-American Cultural Center hosted a festive celebration of Kwanzaa, a holiday of African-American origin dedicated to unity. Kwanzaa takes place from Dec. 26 through Jan. 1, and because the University...

Petroleum Engineering Kurt Vardeman shaves his beard into a wild design for the No Shave November contest Tuesday, December 3, 2013, at the South Hall Residential College.

Facial hair aficionados face off in pageant

By Deanna Narveson December 4, 2013

Freshman men and one woman lined up in the library of Residential College South Hall on Tuesday night, jutting out their chins and flashing smiles surrounded by real or drawn-on fuzz at LSU’s first...

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New anti-plagiarism software to be implemented this spring

By Renee Barrow December 4, 2013

After a trial period this fall, the University is projected to enact new plagiarism prevention software by the start of the spring semester. The Faculty Senate developed a plan in April 2013 for the University...

Layzell to interview for top position

By Staff Reports December 4, 2013

The first of two candidates for the University’s vice president for finance and administration position will visit campus Thursday following a national search. Daniel Layzell, who currently serves...