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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



LSU Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost Stuart R. Bell speaks at the Faculty Senate meeting Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2013, in the Capitol Chamber of the LSU Student Union.

Plus-minus grading system implementation still in the works

By Fernanda Zamudio-Suaréz November 20, 2013

Students can hold off concern over the plus-minus grading system for another semester, as the implementation report has been recommended to the Office of the Provost and no changes are set for next semester. Faculty...

Blaise Bourdin, LSU Department of Mathematics associate professor and Center for Computation and Technology adjunct faculty, received a grant from Chevron to conduct research about energy from Earth's core.

New energy research conducted on campus

By Renee Barrow November 20, 2013

For some students, math courses may seem more like a chore than a useful skill, but Blaise Bourdin, University Center for Computation and Technology adjunct faculty and associate professor of mathematics,...

Construction on Dalrymple Dr. blocks a lane of traffic on July 22, 2013.

Construction to bring new Greek housing

By Gabrielle Braud November 20, 2013

As a handful of construction projects are wrapping up this semester, bigger projects are on the horizon including new plans for Greek housing and another new residential hall. The majority of projects...

A line of students waiting to get into the Testing Center in Himes Hall stretches across the quad Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013.

Patience tested as center sees delays

By Alyson Gaharan November 19, 2013

About 150 students in the Computer Based Testing Center in Himes Hall couldn’t submit their tests around 2:30 p.m. Tuesday. Meanwhile, more than 100 other students were left waiting outside the testing...

University professors participate in crime panel

By Zachery Carline November 19, 2013

University professors Edward Shihadeh and Cecile Guin encouraged community involvement to reduce crime as part of the “Cease the Crime, Reduce Recidivism” panel in the Manship’s School...

An American White Pelican flies over a squadron in City Park Lake on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013.

White Pelicans arrive in yearly migration

By Gordon Brillon November 19, 2013

As the seasons change and the chill of winter looms, the University falls into a new routine. Students pull their North Face fleeces out of the closet, lines at Starbucks stretch to eternity and groups...

Two original pieces from LSU ceramics grad student Autumn Higgins stand on display to be sold on Tuesday, November 19, 2013, during the LSU Art and Design ceramics sale in Free Speech Alley.

Ceramics sale nearly tops annual totals on first day

By Deanna Narveson November 19, 2013

Ceramic plates, bowls and mugs lined the walkway of Free Speech Plaza as the Ceramic Art Student Association hosted its biannual sale, which will continue from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. through Thursday. The average...

Historical war documents are previewed Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2013 at the Hill Memorial Library in preperation for their open house Thursday, Sept. 19, 2013.

Hill Memorial receives donation of rare books

By Michael Tarver November 19, 2013

Hill Memorial Library received a donation last week of rare books from all over the world valued at more than $200,000. The 79 titles are still in the process of being unpacked and catalogued, but once...

John Georges, chief executive officer of Georges Enterprises, speaks at the LSU Executive Education's Breakfast to Business series on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013 in the Business Education Complex.

Advocate owner stresses entrepreneurial skills

By Jonathan Olivier November 19, 2013

An inherent ability to overcome obstacles that arise in business situations and an ability to face them with no fear compelled self-proclaimed “serial” entrepreneur and CEO of Georges Enterprises,...

Task Force to create tuition policy

By Fernanda Zamudio-Suaréz November 18, 2013

The Tuition Task Force — comprised of students, community leaders and Louisiana Board of Regents members — is working to gather information on improving tuition and translating it to higher...

The Biological Engineering Students Organization is having its 32nd annual sweet potato and rice sale Monday, Nov. 18, 2013, at the intersection of South Stadium Drive and Highland Road.

BESO hosts sweet potato sale

By Alexis Rebennack November 18, 2013

As Thanksgiving approaches, the University’s Biological Engineering Student Organization is providing the LSU community with festive ingredients to make the holiday a success. BESO members provide...

Tech fee committee approves funding

By Renee Barrow November 18, 2013

At its last meeting of the semester, the Student Technology Fee Committee approved $39,156.67 worth of new software and multimedia funding for the University. From that amount, $32,000 was allocated to...