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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Kinesiology junior Katherine Cuntz (left) and biology freshman Madison North swing at scales Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at the Southern Smash event on the Parade Grounds.

Southern Smash: Students raise eating-disorder awareness through activities, discussion

By Desiree Roberston November 14, 2013

Wanting to smash the scale is a feeling many individuals identify with, and on Wednesday, University students took to the Parade Ground to do just that. Scale-smashing, photo shoots and a panel discussion...

Dakota Daigle, a jingle fancy dancer, performs Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2013 at the Native American Dance Demo in Free Speech Plaza.

Native American students celebrate history, culture through dance

By William Morris November 13, 2013

Members of the Native American Student Association held a special dance demonstration early Wednesday afternoon, sharing with University students their passion for Native American heritage in Louisiana...

Images courtesy of Sarah Cooley Jones

Incoming students experience LSU through fall Shadow Day

By Jonathan Olivier November 13, 2013

Representatives from IBM will accompany College of Engineering staff today in welcoming 75 high school juniors and seniors from Louisiana and Texas at the college’s Shadow Day. The College of Engineering...

Commissioner of Higher Education Jim Purcell discusses a motion with Louisiana Board of Regents members at a meeting on Feb. 25, 2013, at the Pennington Biomedical Research Conference Center.

La. Commissioner of Higher Education Jim Purcell passed over for Fla. job

By Gordon Brillon November 13, 2013

Louisiana Commissioner of Higher Education Jim Purcell has been passed over for the position of chancellor by the Florida Board of Governors, Purcell said Wednesday. Purcell was chosen by the committee...

Author Rod Dreher signs a copy of his book "The Little Way of Ruthie Leming: A Southern Girl, a Small Town, and the Secret of a Good Life" on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at the 10th Annual Louisiana Book Festival in Downtown Baton Rouge.

University graduate writes book

By Michael Tarver November 13, 2013

Though University graduate Rod Dreher moved far away from his small hometown, he realized the importance of its community and culture while writing his new book about the death of his sister and the contrast...

"LSU dinosaur" fan talks GIFs, attention

“LSU dinosaur” fan talks GIFs, attention

By Alexis Rebennack November 13, 2013

Tiger fan and electrical engineering junior Caleb Bates went prehistoric last weekend at the LSU-Alabama game, garnering national attention. Bates talked with the Reveille about his game-time antics and...

Parry "Matt" Thomas, president of TULIPA, and Jeff Smith clear vegetation Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2013 from the bank of University Lake.

Mr. Clean: Retired Baton Rouge local inspires cleanup project for University Lakes

By Gabrielle Braud November 13, 2013

What began as a bare-bones operation to clean up areas around the University Lakes has turned into a volunteer project valued by the community that lives, exercises and plays around those lakes. Though...

Tech fee survey shows few students using computer labs

By Renee Barrow November 12, 2013

The results of the Student Technology Fee’s recent survey are in, and they show students are not using computer labs like in the past. The rise of the digital age and prevalence of student self-owned...

LSUHSC-Shreveport partners with the Biomedical Reasearch Foundation

By Fernanda Zamudio-Suaréz November 12, 2013

LSU Health Sciences Center in Shreveport announced its new partnership with the Biomedical Research Foundation of Northwest Louisiana on Tuesday, following Gov. Bobby Jindal’s push toward privatizing...

University student up for Rhodes, Marshall Scholarships

By Gordon Brillon November 12, 2013

For many University students, maintaining a scholarship throughout a four-year degree program is an achievement in itself. For Logan de La Barre-Hays, interviewing for one of the most prestigious scholarship...

VSA member, senior, Chris Nguyen performs with his guitar Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2013 during the VSALSU Spotlight II Performance in the LSU Union Live Oak Lounge.

Organization holds talent night to reach out to student body

By William Morris November 12, 2013

If a student organization is looking to stand out among the crowd of clubs and groups at the University, then a spirited talent night featuring comedy routines, impressive guitar solos and powerful vocal...

LSUPAI receives housing grant

By Alexis Rebennack November 11, 2013

The LSU Public Administration Institute recently received a $1.2 million research grant from the Louisiana Housing Corporation for a study of housing needs in the state. The study will focus on a number...