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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Fraudulent job posts target students

By Gabrielle Braud October 24, 2013

With midterms past and scheduling underway, it is also the time of year to start applying for spring internships and jobs. To conduct this search, college students and recently graduated twenty-somethings...

Senator Taylor discusses the upcoming Bike Auction during the Student Government meeting Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013.

SG supports amendments to student absence policy

By Camille Stelly October 23, 2013

Student Government passed a resolution Wednesday showing support of Faculty Senate’s amendments to LSU policy statement 22 about student absences and leniency toward make-up coursework. The University’s...

Accounting freshman Jordan Thomas enjoys being randomly selected as an Upper Class person at the 2013 Oxfam Hunger Banquet Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013 in the Student Union.

Hunger banquet offers insight

By Zachery Carline October 23, 2013

University students traded an all-you-can-eat meal in the dining halls for a bowl of rice and dirty water Wednesday night at the Oxfam Hunger Banquet. The banquet, hosted by the student-run group Kitchens...

Jasmine recites poetry Wednesday night, Oct. 23, 2013 during Queer Confessions: A Spectrum Poetry Night at Highland Coffees.

Event closes LGBT History Month

By William Morris October 23, 2013

As LGBT History Month draws to a close, campus groups are trying to end the month in style. Wednesday night, Spectrum hosted Queer Confessions, a night of poetry, monologues and performances dedicated...

The Board of Regents hear motions from different subcommittees Aug. 21, 2013 in the Louisiana Purchase Room located in the Claiborne Building in Downtown Baton Rouge.

Remedial student pilot study expanded by Regents

By Fernanda Zamudio-Suaréz October 23, 2013

The Louisiana Board of Regents extended its study of remedial students accepted into higher education institutions at its October meeting on Wednesday. The Developmental Education Co-Requisite Delivery...

courtesy of LSU University Relations

Reveille Rebels: Reveille Seven’s clash with Huey P. Long leaves lasting legacy

By Andrea Gallo October 23, 2013

It was 1934. Stanley Shlosman and his best friends were seniors on the cusp of graduating from Louisiana State University. They were on the staff of The Reveille, LSU’s student newspaper that printed...

Former Louisiana governor Buddy Roemer speaks to Manship School students Tuesday afternoon in the Holliday Forum of the Journalism Building.

Manship School celebrates 100 years

By Christine Aman October 23, 2013

As the Manship School of Mass Communication’s journalism program kicks off its 100th birthday year, the school will look back on its past as well as looking ahead to the future of media. Retrospective...

The LSU student section cheers on Oct. 13, 2012 during the 23-21 victory against South Carolina at Tiger Stadium for the annual gold game.

Students stay up for children’s hospital

By Deanna Narveson October 22, 2013

LSU won the Outstanding St. Jude Up ‘til Dawn Award at the Student Leadership Seminar on Feb. 4 for last year’s Gold Game. The event, on Oct. 13, 2012, raised more than $25,000 in donations...

Olympian gold medalist and WNBA Superstar, Lisa Leslie, speaks Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2013, to students at Redemptorist High School about her achievements and future endeavors.

Former WNBA star touts voucher program in BR schools

By Deanna Narveson October 22, 2013

Olympic gold medalist and former WNBA star Lisa Leslie and Louisiana Federation for Children President Ann Duplessis toured Baton Rouge schools Tuesday, speaking to students and administrators about the...

Staff from the LSU UREC and members of the LSU chapter of the Environmentors collaborate with students from Scotlandville High for a canoeing field trip and to elaborate on their science projects Monday, Oct. 21, 2013, at the BREC Milford Wampold Memorial Park on Stanford Ave.

EnvironMentors give back to community through science and outdoor adventure

By Jonathan Olivier October 22, 2013

A group of 14 science-loving Scotlandville Magnet High School students are getting the chance to hone their skills and shape their minds. They are afforded opportunities to conduct scientific research...

University Lab School art instructor Nancy Von Brock was recently named Art Educator of the year by the Louisiana Art Education Association.

Lab school teacher given local award

By Michael Tarver October 22, 2013

LSU University Laboratory School’s Nancy Von Brock has recently been recognized for her involvement in art education across the state of Louisiana.  Von Brock was named the 2014 Louisiana Art...

BR to add more than 21K new jobs

By Alexis Rebennack October 22, 2013

Louisiana is predicted to enter a period of economic brightness during the next two years, and for the first time in its history, the state will likely surpass the 2 million employment mark. The Baton...